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Chitchat Singapore lucky its Muslim religious teachers preach love: Masagos


Singapore lucky its Muslim religious teachers preach love: Masagos

Singapore is fortunate that its religious teachers guide Muslims here to understand the true principles of Islam - to bring love and compassion - in the way they practise the religion, said Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Masagos Zulkifli.

These principles apply in all facets of life, including reacting to whatever happens around them in Singapore and outside Singapore, he added yesterday.

Mr Masagos was commenting on the attacks in France during an event to commemorate the birth month of the Prophet Muhammad held at Yusof Ishak Mosque in Woodlands yesterday. Two attacks in France last month have shaken the country, causing France to raise its security alert to its highest level.

On Oct 16, a French middle school teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded in a suburb north of Paris by an 18-year-old man of Chechen origin who wanted to punish the teacher for showing students cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a civics class on freedom of expression.

Last Thursday, a Tunisian man shouting "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) beheaded a woman and killed two others in a church in Nice before being shot and arrested by police.

On the incident in Paris, Mr Masagos: "We have reacted very moderately... led by our Mufti to teach us that as much as these things are happening around us, (we must) be measured in our response, be patient, be loving, have a lot of compassion, and understand that religion must come with all these values, and not react violently, even when people instigate it."

He added that in Singapore, Muslims are able to react rationally and give confidence to other communities that they respect one another.

Mr Masagos said Singapore Muslims can be an exemplary minority Muslim community that is respected by others if they show resilience and patience. - THE STRAITS TIMES


We need a full cabinet Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs being paid $m to make this statement.

Wonder what he does full time in his Ministry when there is no beheading elsewhere in the world ?

syed putra

Malay land seized and malay communities dispersed and zero malay majority constituency. So no voice in parliament. Only chin chongs.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Malay land seized and malay communities dispersed and zero malay majority constituency. So no voice in parliament. Only chin chongs.

How could malay land be seized when it was not malay land in the first place?

Raffles took over a mostly uninhabited Singapore in 1819. Even if there was a landowner, the land belonged to a single m&d sultan, not the all the m&ds living or dead. There is a huge difference.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The biggest mistake was not eliminating the indigenous popn when colonising. Dumb ass poms

The indigenous population were the animists orang asli, not the moslem m&ds. The moslem m&ds, like the chinks and kelings, were also foreign settlers to Singapore and peninsular malaya.


The indigenous population were the animists orang asli, not the moslem m&ds. The moslem m&ds, like the chinks and kelings, were also foreign settlers to Singapore and peninsular malaya.
Oh ok,,,,all the more reason it was a missed opportunity to get rid of the mudslimes....


How could malay land be seized when it was not malay land in the first place?

Raffles took over a mostly uninhabited Singapore in 1819. Even if there was a landowner, the land belonged to a single m&d sultan, not the all the m&ds living or dead. There is a huge difference.
It was a Malay Fishing village called Temasek, before that it was known as Pulau Ujung. Travellers in the 14th century like Wang Dayuan wrote about it. It is not the race, but the religion that makes their community, mindsets and attitudes now. I do not think the preachers preach love. So much jealousy/envy/hypocrisy/treat non believers as infidels/procreate irresponsibly/incest amongst themselves. It's like a 'pretend' good n peaceful religion.


How i interpret Masagos, the oversea mainstream muslim teachers preach mainly hate and revenge, sinkieland is lucky as its imams have been reformed successfully by religion harmony task force to love infidels and treat infidels as equal to muslims.

Oversea muslims witness the guy's head cut off by one of their kind, they cheer around the world.


In the same way that you Masagos demand that we muslims condemn terror in the name of Islam, we muslims also reciprocate the demand to this govt to condemn the publishing of material insulting our prophet and condemn the french president in awarding a national medal to the teacher who did the insult.
So why the silence Masagos?

syed putra

I can see lots of love in non malay mentalities here. The contract was citizenship in exchange for special privileges.
Can't honour the contract? Please leave!