We are blessed and fortunate, because we have not had to check on our four children in terms of homework. I just have to sign off the gifted student plan and report cards. We do not give them any allowance, and they take lunch to school, except that we pay for the hot lunch on Fridays.
So far, they appear to be doing well.
The first child was awarded that university President Terence Grier Scholarship (one per faculty, full tuition for the first year), the Environics Schiolarship, and the entrance scholarship. She will be in her second year Masters program at U of T in Sep 2021. She qualified as a lifeguard at age 17.
The second child completed RCM grade 10 piano, and will be in his third year Engineering Science U of T in Sep 2021.
He sings alto and counter tenor. He used to work part time on Saturdays.
The third child is an athlete, and volleyball player. She works part time on Sat and Sun.
She will be in first year Life Sciences. She hopes to be selected for medical school, and be a dermatologist.
The fourth child is very ambitious and independent. He was on track to achieve a very rate double, ARCT through the RCM for organ and piano. Unfortunately, due to COVID, he had no organ lessons and practice since mid March 2020. He is burning his summer (2020 and 2021) doing grade 9 music theory, music history, grade 9 harmony. He is in RCM grade 10 piano, and hopefully will pass his ARCT piano before completing academic grade 12. He is evaluating university organ scholarships at Oxford and USA. But he indicated that there is no "life" as a student if he pursues that route.
He tells me his areas for improvement.
For his RCM grade 10 practical exam, Part One, done virtually, he said that he made a few mistakes. Fortunately, he received a 77%, and he said that he should improve on it for Part Two. A candidate needs to be 75 and better to be eligible to do the ARCT.
He used to sing as an alto, but his voice changed, and now is a bass.
We let them decide their alternatives.
So far so good.
We have mini choir, with my wife as soprano, David as alto or counter tenor, Peter as bass. I sing as the frog, mascot.