Look at these web pages, you will be surprised by his speeches
Many fellow Sinkies treat Sim Wong Hoo as a local hero and worship him. The locals have supported and contributed much to his success. Below are the extracts of some webpages I believe many will find revealing. Don't take my words for it, please follow the links to the actual pages to verify.
I'm back沈望傅的创新2.0梦想 Mr. Sim:对中国怀有一份特殊的感情 我的根在中国.
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzU2NTA5NjE2.html 汉之派--创新科技董事会主席沈望傅先生的开场演讲 (March 2012)
click on 全部视频信息 will get the text of Mr. Sim's speech, in which he said:
大家都知道,新加坡是个非常有秩序的国家,样样井井有条。 但是井井有条是非常不利于创新的。 搞高科技是要投下重金的。市场很小的新加坡,要收回本钱都难,想要赚钱?做梦去吧。 在新加坡搞高科技,还要创新,简直是不知天高地厚。
铸造一个完美的《中国派》,包含着华夏五千年的优良文化传统,带着中国人民忠诚的友谊,奉献给世人, 福荫人类的后代子子孙孙。你说还有更好、更美、更有效的礼物吗? 我是个播种人,把一颗种子带回老家来
籽亿高科峰会 - 沈望傅主题演讲 (Dec 2009) Document removed (with good reason must be) but fortunately caches remain. To access, search 籽亿高科峰会 沈望傅主题演讲 百度文库 in google or SoSo.com and click cache/快照, or directly access google's cached page with this link:
His wise words within: 香港回归后,中国形势一片大好…… 在新加坡听到的自嘲: 香港-拿回来。 澳门-乖乖回来… 台湾-抢回来! 新加坡-是怎么回来的呢 ?????? 骗回来! ????????????? 但台湾是赢回来的。是双赢。 不懂新加坡将会怎么回来, 但我知道创新是怎么回来… 创新 → →飞回来的!!! 带着许多希望的种籽 飞回来!
For anyone not proficient enough in Chinese, 做梦去吧 and 不知天高地厚 are very harsh and cold reprimands reserved for hapless juniors. 老家 is much more than home. It is the childhood home one misses very much, and cannot delay a minute to "fly back" to it.
Although the processor and software of Hanzpad were developed locally and in some western countries before he "飞回" China, he calls it 汉之派- 一颗中国芯,铸就中国派. He has 带着许多希望的种籽飞回中国. How many 希望的种籽 do we still have? Sinkies need to be on guard lest even Sinkieland gets "骗回" his 中国老家, his根.