i think many people here are being unnecessary emotional because of the biasness towards the brand "SIA"...
let me share a story here...in previous place of employment, they practice hiring of staff over 62. For senior staff, most are armed with only a diploma and they are drawing a gross pay of about $6K gross per month (inclusive of bonuses). For senior management level, they are drawing even more. So what happens? Many of these senior personnel know they will not be hired at this rate any where else, hence all wants to continue working. However, even though they are experienced and very knowledgeable, they become very complacent, lazy, and arrogant. They are always staus quo and do not take risk, and they feel any junior staff that is young and outspoken is a treat to them.
The line between senior level and junior level becomes a blur as both levels are doing almost the same things. Management chooses to include contracted seniors as part of the total staff. So what happens? In the workplace, you have to have a good balance of seniors and juniors, however, as the seniors are not leaving, the juniors are not getting promoted even when they meet all the necessary criterias. HR's reason is you cannot have a whole place of seniors as this increases payload, and as a result, ,many young locals are leaving, making the organization very top heavy, which reduces profits and welfare for the staff. Solution: locals want to leave right? Hire more foreigners!
I leave it up to you guys as to whether the senior pilots deserve the pay cut. I think to be fair, all cases should be case by case, as the pilots must also realize, much like the situation I mnetioned, they are dealing with lives here. A small health problem, like diabetes, may cause a pilot to go hypoglycemic, faint, and endanger the lives of the passengers, much less the fact nowadays the communication in the engine room is very chaotic (foreigner engineers unable to understand each other)...a good solution, imho, is to allow the pilots to fly less flights (like part-timers), but getting the same rate of pay...