Re: High Ministerial Pay Leading to Rampant Corruption in Civil Service
NParks did not purchase bike from authorized dealer[/h]
July 7th, 2012 |
Brompton foldable bike - $2200 each, bought by NParks
The recent purchase of the expensive hand-made Brompton bikes costing $2,200 each by the National Parks Board (NParks) has drawn a firestorm on the Net.
NParks bought 26 Brompton bikes for its officers to use on patrols in Jan this year, costing a total of $57,200. The explanation given by Nparks is that they only received 1 bid for the tender from 1 company. The company, BikeHop, offered 2 models in the tender – the $2,200 model and a more expensive one. Hence, the $2,200 model was chosen.
In the latest twist of the NParks’ bike saga, the authorized dealer of Brompton bikes in Singapore, Diginexx (MightyVelo), has revealed that NParks did not buy the Brompton bikes from them but from a parallel importer (i.e, BikeHop).
Diginexx further disclosed, “Almost all local bike companies do not follow Gebiz tenders as one would not expect government agencies to want to buy high-end bicycles for group use.”
As the product to be purchased is not a common item like tissue papers and pens, Diginexx felt that it would be fairer if NParks had sought out the various bicycle sellers in the industry first to invite them to bid. However, this is not the case. It appears that either BikeHop stumbled upon the tender on the Govt Gebiz site by accident or they have been “tipped off” by someone in NParks.
Diginexx added, “NParks is aware that Diginexx is the authorized distributor that offers the 5-year warranty on the frame and 2-year warranty on parts. If it was really intended for local bike companies to tender for this bulk purchase, NParks would have been able to find through the various bids that there are likely cheaper alternatives to the Brompton and/or be able to receive a competitive price quote from Diginexx so that NParks can buy and save public money in the process.”
“In this case, no local bike companies was aware of this tender, and there was only one bidder.”
Diginexx also did not think $2200 was a fair deal for NParks.
Diginexx said, “And even if NParks had really specifically wanted just the Brompton for their usage, the model in question is a M6L. A M6L retails at S$2250 per bike at Diginexx which will cover the 5-year frame warranty and 2-year warranty on parts. In comparison, buying a total of 26 M6L Bromptons at $2200 per bike is unfortunately not a fair deal for NParks especially when the bikes come from a non-authorised reseller, which do not and cannot offer the official five-year frame warranty and two-year parts warranty.”
As a result, NParks’ purchase of the $2200 Brompton bikes remains contentious as reflected by comments on the Net:
Sangrawi: I own a foldable bike – a Dahon. From U.S. Not some cheap China made bike. I only pay S$ 500+ for the bike and not $2,200. I agree having a foldable bike is a great idea. But why pay S$2,200? Why do we need to pay top range? Are we saying the park officials have to be on the bike for 8 hours or there are steep slopes and river streams to cross?
Emeritus Singaporean: Clearly, either the tender exercise was not well publicized, or that there was no attempts to bring more bids into the exercise. It is disingenuous to simply accept the lower of two bids since there were no other bids, as the entire exercise could have been aborted for failing the requirements of getting more competitive offers.
BGKL: What’s next in the PAP “money to burn” crossover project?
Poor Retiree: So if only Mercedes and BMW place a tender for a transporter for NP, it will accept the lower bid even if it costs $250000 of TAXPAYER MONEY?
Rotten Banana: Good Singapore made folding bike weight 8-9Kg only costs S$800-900. S$2,200 is able to buy almost 3 bikes.
21-year old citizen: The next thing they will do is to buy the officers the most expensive uniforms, the most expensive Nike shoes, the most expensive Parker pens, the most expensive Hallmark paper, etc. Can the officers really improve productivity just by using all the most expensive stuffs?
Joey: It’s symptomatic of the current govt – sucking in a lot of money to spend on themselves but very little for those who are truly in need – the poorest, the handicapped, the special needs.
newly qualified voter: Looks like Tin Pei Ling’s penchant for Kate Spade brand has caught on in the Ministry. The Brompton bike is the Kate Spade equivalent of handbags. You pay 95% for its brand name and only 5% for its function.
Refree Kayu: Do bicycle dealers have pretty, sexy sales managers or directors with names starting with Cecilia, Ester, Aminah or Suzie?
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