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Sg's Poodles WORTHLESS & LAZY!


Alfrescian (Inf)
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=510 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>What Bugs Me
Posted on 09 Oct, 2008 12:31
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=530 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Phone scam: Why didn't police want to nab criminals?

A STOMPer, who read STOMPer Cynthia's posting on a phone scam and the subsequent lack of response by the police, has written in to say that his family had a similar experience on the same day as STOMPer Cynthia.

The STOMPer says that his parents had also received a call from strangers claiming to have kidnapped his sister.

The strangers demanded a total ransom fee od $50, 000.

Upon realising it was a scam, they called the police and even offered to help lure the scam artists out.

However, the STOMPer says that the police did not want to take the lead.

Hence, the STOMPer is left wondering why the police did not want to follow up in such an important fraud case.
In his e-mail dated October 9, he says:

“I would like to provide a feedback similar to the one posted on Stomp today about the kidnap ransom scam that my parents encountered on the same day as the sender.

“SPF did not take any action when prompted by my parents to trace the lead!

The STOMPer recounts his parents' experience in an e-mail to SPF:

“‘Dear Sir/ Madam,

‘I write with great distress on the way your officer handled the following incident:

‘At around 2.50 pm yesterday (7 Oct 08), my father received a call at home with the caller claiming to be his daughter and held in custody of the ‘kidnappers’.

‘She was sobbing badly over the other line claiming that my father would need to raise $50K for her release.

‘Her reason for being held custody was that she had played guarantor to a friend for a loan and now the friend has run away to another country after being unable to raise money to pay off the loan.

‘A man then snatched over the phone from her and intimidated my father, saying that, should he fail to raise the ransom as requested, his ‘daughter’ would be killed.

‘My father was almost taken in by the conman and luckily my mother (who was beside my father) used her personal handphone to contact my sister and verified that she was safe and sound.

‘After establishing that it is a con case and with knowledge of these incidents from the newspapers/ media, she called the Police at 999.

‘The police officer that attended to her told her that since her daughter was safe and sound, it's ok to ignore the caller should he/she call again the next time!

‘While still on the line with the conman, my father even offered to stall time by negotiating the ransom and even willing to lure the conman out for payment of ransom (supposedly at a nearby POSB) so that he can be caught red-handed.

‘However, disappointingly, the police officer said that it's Ok,
never mind, and rejected the offer.

‘This morning (8 Oct), the conman called my parents' house again, re-enacting the whole drama, without realising that they have made the same call yesterday.

‘It is pretty obvious that they are still going around prying on other vulnerable victims.

‘This attitude and mindset of the police officer is very disturbing. We as citizens look upon you as our guardian for our safety and well being.

‘Any calls that are received through no. 999 should be treated with great urgency and the caller should be given benefit of doubt to trigger an action from the Police.

‘In my parent's case, I believe that there is no grounds to suspect that my mother is making a prank call as she is calling using her personal HP to make the report.

‘What is even more unacceptable is that, the officer gave up an opportunity to follow the lead and nab the conman red-handed!

‘I hope to highlight this incident to you and will await a reasonable explanation from you. I can be contacted on my mobile: XXXX for any clarifications.

‘Thank you.’”

To read Cynthia's story, click here:
Beware of this kidnap ransom scam, says victim



Singaporeans damn jialet one !

First they always blame police but refused to pay for talents !

Police officers are grossly under paid !

Police officers are human citizens too and are smarter than most of our politicians that we have !



Alfrescian (Inf)
Everyday there is more than 500(I estimate) false kidnap and blackmail in Singapore. I also encounter before. The police also do nothing. Thay said as long as no one is hurt and money lost in the scam, normally they not going to investigate further.
Since my house don't have ID caller, I have ask police check for caller number. And the police said they most probably using public phone. So I ask for which public phone. The police would give. That make me angry and piss.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
They probably need more training. Give Cesar Milan a call or drop him an email via his website.




Alfrescian (Inf)
The million dollars Wong Kan Seng is happy with the current situation? and sitting complacent counting his savings over the years. Should anything drastic happens, someone below him will be fired whereas he still keep his job and thus his pay and pension, to feed for many generations, out of the victims' taxes.


the reply is out, as good as no reply, lol!


Victim was informed that we will investigate, says the Police

The Police said its officers had informed a STOMPer, whose mother was almost a victim of a phone-kidnap scam, that they would investigate the case.

Earlier, Cecilia had written in about her mother’s brush with a con-artist, who called the latter and pretended that her daughter had been kidnapped.

The man then demanded a ransom, and Cecilia’s mother then made a police report.

However, the STOMPer was unhappy with the way the matter was handled.

In an email response to STOMP, the Police says:

“On 7 Oct 2008 at about 10.25 am, Police was notified that a lady had received a call informing her that a family member was in danger.

“Having quickly established that the family member concerned was safe, Police advised the lady that she was a victim of a phone scam and for her own safety to return home. The victim was also informed that the Police will investigate the matter.

“Police have issued advisories to alert the public about variations in phone scams which attempt to convince victims to part with their money. Some of the ruses used include kidnap, lottery and other scams.

“Generally, for "kidnap scams", the conmen would call the victim and claim that one of their family members had been kidnapped.

“The conmen would then demand that the victim transfer a sum of ransom money to them, failing which the “kidnapped” family member would be harmed.

“Members of public have been advised to call the Police immediately if they are approached in a similar manner.

“Upon receipt of such reports, Police's utmost concern is the safety of the victim and the "kidnapped" family member. After establishing that they are safe, and it is indeed a scam, Police would also advise the victim not to transfer any money to the conmen.

“Police actions are properly calibrated after a careful assessment of the facts and circumstances of each case.

“Police would like to urge members of public to remain vigilant of such phone scams. They may refer to the following flyer for more crime prevention advice on the various types of scams that can be perpetuated via the telephone.”


they have already miss the best opportunity to nab the conman, still investigate what?


It reminds me of a few incident i had with the poodle.

5-6 years ago, one of my nephew was attacked by 20+ youngster outside clark quay around midnight. he is not a not a gangster and he did not talk to any of the people from that group before. He was badly beaten and even the eyes were hurt, 1 of his gold chain were snatched. While making his way to his car with a friend, they saw 2 poodles patrolling and they went up to tell them the incident. The reply was ask them go hospital check the injuries and then make a police report after it. Case closed and until today, no one was caught.

another incident was when a friend of mine found his son playing at arcade centre after school, it was national day eve so it is a half day. But according to the license it is not an official school holiday and arcade operator are not allow to let underage into the premises. He call the licensing department and they claim that they wont be able to come down, they only have a schedule to do random check and they wont come down to check even there is a tipoff.

i was with him all the while and after near 30 mins of conversation, my friend keep insisting that the operator broke the rules today because of national day eve, if they only do random check on normal days, they might not be able to catch them. They say nothing they can do, but ask him try to call the enforcing unit which is the nearest poodle station, maybe they can help.

he called and after talking for another 30 mins, they say they will send people down to check in 1-2 hours time. but during this time we need to go to the airport to pick up an important client. We left the place, thinking that since they assure that they will be checking. His son also left the arcade.

3 hour later he call up again to try to find out what is happening, no one can reply him. after a few call during the next 30 mins, someone call him and said they already conducted a check, and no underage were found inside. My friend dont believe and we went back and reach the place in 15 mins, we saw about 20 underage inside, and we are not talking about 15-16 years old, we are talking about 12-13 years old type.

I have lost my faith with the poodles after these 2 incidents, and when alot of other incidents reported on net, i am already numb to it.


It reminds me of a few incident i had with the poodle.

5-6 years ago, one of my nephew was attacked by 20+ youngster outside clark quay around midnight. he is not a not a gangster and he did not talk to any of the people from that group before. He was badly beaten and even the eyes were hurt, 1 of his gold chain were snatched. While making his way to his car with a friend, they saw 2 poodles patrolling and they went up to tell them the incident. The reply was ask them go hospital check the injuries and then make a police report after it. Case closed and until today, no one was caught.

another incident was when a friend of mine found his son playing at arcade centre after school, it was national day eve so it is a half day. But according to the license it is not an official school holiday and arcade operator are not allow to let underage into the premises. He call the licensing department and they claim that they wont be able to come down, they only have a schedule to do random check and they wont come down to check even there is a tipoff.

i was with him all the while and after near 30 mins of conversation, my friend keep insisting that the operator broke the rules today because of national day eve, if they only do random check on normal days, they might not be able to catch them. They say nothing they can do, but ask him try to call the enforcing unit which is the nearest poodle station, maybe they can help.

he called and after talking for another 30 mins, they say they will send people down to check in 1-2 hours time. but during this time we need to go to the airport to pick up an important client. We left the place, thinking that since they assure that they will be checking. His son also left the arcade.

3 hour later he call up again to try to find out what is happening, no one can reply him. after a few call during the next 30 mins, someone call him and said they already conducted a check, and no underage were found inside. My friend dont believe and we went back and reach the place in 15 mins, we saw about 20 underage inside, and we are not talking about 15-16 years old, we are talking about 12-13 years old type.

I have lost my faith with the poodles after these 2 incidents, and when alot of other incidents reported on net, i am already numb to it.

Alot of things still need to get permission from the superior, superior also need to get approval. So need to go all the way then all the way down.

So please dont expect immediate action even though they will miss out the best opportunity to nab the bad guy.

Slow and Steady is the motto.:biggrin:


Alot of things still need to get permission from the superior, superior also need to get approval. So need to go all the way then all the way down.

So please dont expect immediate action even though they will miss out the best opportunity to nab the bad guy.

Slow and Steady is the motto.:biggrin:

True, get approval from superior better, at least anything happen can cover own backside 1st. Flexibility is harmful and not needed in this land. :wink:


That is a first world service.Singapore goverment is u die is your business as long singapore is rich.So as singaporean we must be selfish.


I have once made a call to Neighbourhood Police about some students (gansters in school) harrasing some poor students. I managed to pinpoint those students. The police took
down their names and told me its alright, nothing will happen. What the F**K I called
999. They should have refer them to the school principal, just because the policeman was a keleng and the students also keleng.
All these policemen dont want too many complications in their line of duties. In the Police Academy they have mastered the art of Taiji. But when in court to stand as a
witness, you can touch their bottoms their are balls missing.


My experience which I have related to my MP but still nothing is being done..

It's 1 covering another 1 backside and end of the day..everyone backside is cover but the citizens are the one at the losing end..

This is part of the letter I wrote to my MP with regards to my encounter with my neighbourhood police centre..

1. My neighbour and I commented on the slow timing of the Singapore Police Force in response to our complaints listed in short as follows:-

There are Indian glue sniffers who often loiter at the staircase and hide there to sniff glue.

Inhalant abuse, a criminal act, is known to intoxicate the abusers who are then predisposed to committing more crimes.

This situation has occurred many times and whenever I call the police, the latter would take 30 to 45 minutes to arrive, by which the time, the suspects would have finished their glue sniffing and left the scene.

I shifted out 2 years back partly because of this situation as I was pregnant and I did not feel that the neighbourhood was safe at times.

I also raised another incident in which I spotted an axe-wielding Indian man sitting in the ABC hawker centre with his eyes fixated on the adjoining car park as if he was waiting to greet someone. I called the police and offered to help identify the axe-wielder.

The axe-wielder must have been loitering around on a frequent basis for the Indian man in your entourage was also able to describe him as limpy and short.

I told you that the police had reasoned that they had to catch him red handed for them to take action. However, in order to apprehend any suspect red-handed, the police must respond in time but they never did so.

2. You trusted the police not to deliberately take their own sweet time to respond and cited the lack of manpower in the Police force as the cause. An Indian male in your entourage who identified himself as a policeman seconded your view.

3. I responded that the lack of manpower was not a valid reason as it is the right of every citizen and resident to be protected by the Singapore Police Force.

4. The grassroots policeman had replied that the Police had other complaints to handle and that our wards have kept them busy. I grew up in Bukit Merah and I know the ward very well and I asked him:-

Whether he was asserting that Bukit Merah was very much unsafe and with a lot of criminal activity necessitating police attention and which leads to slow response time of the Police, and Since there was indeed so much crime in Bukit Merah, why did not the Police deploy more manpower to cope with the cases?

5. You surprised me by asking me in return, “So Madam, what you think we should do? If no one wants to join the police force we can’t force people to join right?¡±

6. To this unimaginative excuse, I told you very frankly that: -

As an MP, you have been given the mandate by the people to find solutions to our complaints; and

If you need me to provide you with the answers, what then are you supposed to do in your position as our Member of Parliament?

7. You quickly retracted your words and instructed your grassroots policeman to look into this matter. You also responded that since my opinion was formed 2 years ago, it might not be justified now as it may not be happening now. [I have since verified with my neighbour that the glue sniffers are still loitering around at times and now of course I am asking for a reply]


Alfrescian (Inf)
simply too many cases to handle. no resources? or resources need to be standby for this action?


i mean if you didn't get conned, just forgive and forget lah.

You right. Just one harmless lady with no weapon surrounded by at least 20 police and vedio recording. Do they need so many?


another incident was when a friend of mine found his son playing at arcade centre after school, it was national day eve so it is a half day

i mean if your friend needs the police to deal with his son's discipline problems, he really has a serious parenting issue to begin with.