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[Sg video] - SAF Chiobu Captain holds military wedding ceremony in their SAF No.1 uniforms

Scrooball (clone)

The groom looks like he's gonna be a henpecked bloke for the rest of his pathetic life.
I was thinking about this situation.

So the all female sword bearers mean that this is all the wife’s idea and the fact that she is a CPT while he is probably not a sign on regular and hence the 3SGT rank. If a wedding is all about one half, then well the guy must be one secure man or one fucking beta male.

syed putra

I was thinking about this situation.

So the all female sword bearers mean that this is all the wife’s idea and the fact that she is a CPT while he is probably not a sign on regular and hence the 3SGT rank. If a wedding is all about one half, then well the guy must be one secure man or one fucking beta male.
The main focus should be about getting the bonk. And looks like he made it.


Fuck the ranking,after donkey years no.kore in service ,hard to survive ,lol,can she work as a clerk ,toilet cleaner, or cisco,lol,only related can get post like ceo in GLC for jia lia bee,lol


Every colleague as a technician goes around tell ppl he a past regular, officer in saf ,but his work like a piece of shit,Don know anything ,lol,n expect good pay ,increment ,bonuses,n promotion, lol


Alfrescian (Inf)
The groom looks like he's gonna be a henpecked bloke for the rest of his pathetic life.

If both are happy with the arrangement then it's okay. Some alpha women need to dominate everything in their life. They become depressed if they can't find someone who cheerfully embraces their gungho attitude.

I suggest pegging to spice up their marriage, maybe with the addition of wearing their SAF headgear.



It'll be nice if he can have a mass orgy with the bride, her bridesmaids and all the sword bearers in a big suite.

A Singaporean

If both are happy with the arrangement then it's okay. Some alpha women need to dominate everything in their life. They become depressed if they can't find someone who cheerfully embraces their gungho attitude.

I suggest pegging to spice up their marriage, maybe with the addition of wearing their SAF headgear.

Wow this is exactly what PAP does to coolie gene Sinkies for decades.