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[Sg video] - NTU chiobu kena scolded by foreigner (AMDK?) on bus 199


Generally, the cheena Sinkies just cannot express or articulate themselves in English effectively. That's why, they're always belittled and ridiculed by AMDKs or CECA shitskins.

syed putra

Generally, the cheena Sinkies just cannot express or articulate themselves in English effectively. That's why, they're always belittled and ridiculed by AMDKs or CECA shitskins.
She should have backed off and follow her two buddies. But that Indian chap decided to escalate by insulting her further. She should just hit where Indians feel most. By calling him thing like, "smelly black pig". Any thing that resembles something smelly will definitely agitate a Indian into action. Then those two buddies can join in the escalation. Too polite doesnt work in this planet anymore. You will end up like Hezbollah. Or soon Iran.


She should have backed off and follow her two buddies. But that Indian chap decided to escalate by insulting her further. She should just hit where Indians feel most. By calling him thing like, "smelly black pig". Any thing that resembles something smelly will definitely agitate a Indian into action. Then those two buddies can join in the escalation. Too polite doesnt work in this planet anymore. You will end up like Hezbollah. Or soon Iran.

If they are Muslims, I would even insult their Prophet if I were her.


Alfrescian (Inf)
tis charbor not happy kena ticked off ...

she oredi admitted she was wrong n dat ceca sort off oso closed ze case ... but she retwurned n tried 2 win back n argument ... trying 2 argue dat her wrong was justified ...

typical sinkie charbor wif never able 2 accept ownself is wrong attitude ...


Generally, the cheena Sinkies just cannot express or articulate themselves in English effectively. That's why, they're always belittled and ridiculed by AMDKs or CECA shitskins.
Limpei last time from neighborhood school full of retard sinkies English like shit but somehow can get A for Maths and Science, most of the shit English fuckers end up work GLC civil service as private sector won't accept anyone with poor language abilities