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[Sg video] - Mr Loo warns all Singaporeans of this CPF fraud!


Alfrescian (Inf)
although she won't remember the person/s who assisted her in the nom process as witnessess, one person could have inserted his particulars as a beneficiary :rolleyes:


If by Tuesday 2nd June 2024, the CPF Board is silent about this, then something major is happening.

Also how does anyone know CPF is disbursing the correct amounts to the beneficiaries?
Beneficiaries only received a quantum without any evidence.


Lol,no use 70% include my colleagues all brain washed,lol,one guy even told me 400k on hand can retired,knn ccb still in company worry abt retrenchment, lol,talk nonsense,ccb still around not resinibg,knn ccb,talk cock