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[Sg video] - 6 fixie cyclists (with 1 doing wheelie on his racer) to be charged in court for cycling dangerously in Orchard road


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The cyclists are not harmless at all. They are using it as playground & provoking other road users. The harmful ones are the authority letting the fight for space & not keeping road safe for all road users.

Cyclists that use the roads as playgrounds are a nuisance. On the other hand cars that use the roads as playgrounds are DEADLY.

Why are cars that can go 250KPH allowed on the streets of that tiny island in the first. ALL cars should be speed limited to 60kph max. Commercial vehicles should be limited to 40kph. There is absolutely no need to go any faster on a road network that covers no more than 695 sqkm.

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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Some oldies but goodies. It seems that there are sinkies who can't even drive in a straight line without crashing into something. Many are also colour blind and cannot tell the difference between red and green which is a recipe for certain disaster. Don't they test for these sorts of vision defects before issuing a license to drive????

A bunch of cyclists is the least of our worries with these sorts goons and spastics getting behind the wheel of a car.





Cyclists that use the roads as playgrounds are a nuisance. On the other hand cars that use the roads as playgrounds are DEADLY.

Why are cars that can go 250KPH allowed on the streets of that tiny island in the first. ALL cars should be speed limited to 60kph max. Commercial vehicles should be limited to 40kph. There is absolutely no need to go any faster on a road network that covers no more than 695 sqkm.

Both using roads as playground are equally harmful and endangering other users whether deadly or not.
Provokers are just as deadly.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Both using roads as playground are equally harmful and endangering other users whether deadly or not.
Provokers are just as deadly.

There is no way a 10kg bike with a 70kg rider can do as much damage as a 1500kg piece of metal with a blind driver at the wheel. The laws of physics outrank the road code no matter how you try to spin your yarn.

Tell why cars should not be speed restricted to 60kph. There is absolutely no reason why they need to go any faster in Singapore. It will make an infinitesimal difference to travel times simply because the roads are so congested that the average speed of any trip cannot possibly be anything close to that limit.

This one change would save countless lives annually. On the other hand throwing a few fixie cyclists in jail won't make a scrap of difference to road deaths.