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[Sg video] - 6 fixie cyclists (with 1 doing wheelie on his racer) to be charged in court for cycling dangerously in Orchard road


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
More than 100 die annually on the streets of Singapore. How many are killed by cyclists?

On the other hand this is what car drivers do to innocent cyclists.


syed putra

Just a bunch of kids having fun. PAP does not like this kind of behaviour. They want a docile compliant populace.


Roads here is being used as their playground.
It's overpopulated in Sg & Sg roads. Why isn't the authority build more roads instead of more buildings?
Be like Taiwan & China, allow the 3 & 4 wheelers to be in separate lane as the 2 wheelers, electric or not. Separate from motor vehicles. That's the way to progress not control & make money. Iswanran is out. New one please work.