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[Sg] - Thrifty China student goes from Shanghai to Singapore by bus in 29 days for only US$400


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

“A round-trip flight ticket from Shanghai to Singapore on Singapore Airlines only costs 1,700 yuan (US$230). This is a typical case of having too much free time,” one online Tiong observer said.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Enjoy yourself before the borders are closed shut and/or the CCP govt no longer allows application of new passports. :cool::cool:


Old Fart
The student’s itinerary showed that he initially took the bus, metro and train to reach Kunming in southwestern Yunnan province.

From there, he continued his journey by train and light rail through Laos, Thailand, and Malaysia, before reaching Singapore.

From Singapore, he flew to Indonesia, then continued to travel by bus and train through the country, on to East Timor and Cebu in the Philippines, before returning to Shanghai.

Jiang said that throughout his journey, he met many kind locals who showed him around, reaffirming his belief that ground transport is a better way to see more and make more friends.

What an adventure! And he's wise to minimise flying. Flying is very dangerous.