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19-year-old Chinese student in Singapore in ICU after cardiac arrest, family seeks $100k in donations


Can raise money in Singapore and fly back to China for subsidized or free treatment ?
In china, they will get treatment. Just pay some money and leave the kid in hospital.
In Singapore, they can just leave the kid here indefinitely.
That is why all these foreign student must have sufficient insurance cover before they even step in.
Now we have all this giveasia kind of shit


This is interesting. He is 18. Two years ago he was probably in China.
I don't think young people in China was forced to take the vaccine. And if they did, they would have taken the unactivated virus vaccine which is easily available in china. Unless the parents are the super kiasi and made him a take the MRNA.
So the question should be, did he take the vaccine?
If yes, was it the MRNA?
there is such a thing called shedding. If you are unvaxxed, but your spouse is, with P or M, lying next to her can make you susceptible to the virus via osmosis. I didn't make this up, go research medical journals. Well documented. so what kind of room mates does this boy have? Has he been interacting with sinkie vaxtards? Kissing a girl or licking her cunt if she's been jabbed with snake poison, or even touching the sweat of such a person, will also predispose you to the poision


Alfrescian (Inf)
Please donate generously for your 同胞 and 祖国 :biggrin:

What would the Tiongs do without the generous donations from Sinkies? :wink:




He came to Singapore to further his education but ended up facing a serious health condition instead.

The family of Liu Yiwei, 19, is seeking $100,000 in donations on Give.Asia after the teen suffered a "sudden cardiac arrest due to an unexpected blockage in his artery".

His heart had stopped for more than 30 minutes before paramedics were able to resuscitate him, but as a result, Liu is currently unconscious at the intensive care unit (ICU) at Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

A family member named Bryan described Liu as a "bright and promising young man, standing at an impressive 1.88m" on the campaign post.

"He was full of hope, armed with ambition, and eager to make the most of the opportunity to study abroad," wrote Bryan.

"As a student holding a pass in Singapore, he envisioned a future where his education would pave the way to success, not just for him but for his family back home in China."

Liu is his parents' only son. They rushed down from China as soon as they received the news and are devastated.

The campaign, which was posted on Give.Asia earlier this week, shares that his medical bills in Singapore are expensive as he is a foreigner and that the costs for his treatments are "skyrocketing by the day".

"His parents, who had already stretched their finances to give him the best possible education, are now facing an overwhelming debt that they simply cannot afford," wrote Bryan.

The campaign adds that funds raised are managed by Give.Asia and will be sent directly to the hospital.

As of writing, over $27,000 has been raised.
P or M, Bro TruthSpeak?