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[Sg] - Somebody SHIT on a Thomson-East Coast MRT cabin floor


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset




Woman allegedly finds poop in Thomson-East Coast MRT cabin, claims it’s why the line’s brown​

She joking added that this is probably why the brown line is brown.

By Buranond Kijwatanachai - 20 Jun 2024, 1:29 pm

While commuting on the Thomson-East Coast line on Wednesday (19 June) morning, a woman came across what she alleged to be poop at the MRT cabin’s entrance.

She shared her discovery on a local Subreddit, joking that the substance is what gave the brown line its colour.

Her post has generated some online buzz as people weigh in on what transpired.


The 27-year-old woman made the discovery during her morning commute from Maxwell to Orchard station.

The woman, who goes by Payton Pangleton, said the substance didn’t smell “fresh” and gave the impression that it has been “out for a while”.

Bemused netizens share poop puns​

In the photo, a mysterious lump of brown matter can be seen next to the cabin doors.

“Haha that’s funny. I should take a picture of it. What a [sic] odd thing to see in the morning, you won’t see that again”, Ms Payton Pangleton said of her discovery.

The popular social media account @sgfollowsall also reposted the pictures on its Instagram account.

Netizens who saw the images found the situation humourous as well — plenty of them chimed in with their own poop puns.

MS News has reached out to SMRT for comments on the incident.