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[Sg] - Shingles vaccination costs $800, better get vaccination asap, or you might kena severe pain for years after the attack


Alfrescian (Inf)

Sanofi breaks ground at S$638 million vaccine facility in Tuas​

20 Apr 2022


I believe Sanofi has a shingles vaccine? Or maybe it's Merck or GSK. Anyway they all have their trademark vaccine names e.g. Gardasil, Shingrix etc.
Not too long ago I saw ads for shingles vaccines plastered all over the platform barriers of MRT stations.

Please pak more zham to help Sinkieland's economy. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
heng? you sure heng or consoling yourself? Alot in Thailand (young and old) uses this tiong brand and uplorry like no tomorrow for no apparent reasons.

Don't forget the many dead in China, they get the Sino vaccines by default.

How many of them actually died, you will only get the true numbers when the CCP regime collapses. Similar to the Chernobyl incident under the Soviet Union.


Sheeple that believe germs cause a disease (buy-in to germs theory) will naturally think vaccine helps.

That is also why vaccination starts from young
Vaccination from young I see.... tell the school to fucking fuck off. BTW, check out also how Dr. Andrew Wakefield and the fucking PCB MMR and many other CB childhood vaccine and autism.





Don't forget the many dead in China, they get the Sino vaccines by default.

How many of them actually died, you will only get the true numbers when the CCP regime collapses. Similar to the Chernobyl incident under the Soviet Union.

U machiam like everything also know. So ur favourite crocodile underwear out of stocks because china factory workers are all dead?


A typical retard (fuckwarezone) who have taken muitiple shots and still think it’s ok to take more

View attachment 208139
Many Sinkies are retarded and conditioned from young to follow whatever fucking rules without questioning (authoritative bias).... these are exactly the type of CB kias committing the atrocities during war times. These are also the types who will easily pass the Stanley Milgram Experiment on conformity with flying colors. Just look at the vaccination centers filled with fucking retards who most willingly go and took their garbage zhams and start parroting the propaganda.

For those who are forced to go against their will and school kids; for that I can understand. I use the number of zhams as a proxy to that person's intelligence before I will even talk to him or her.

Safe and effective Ji Ki Lan Ok Ji Ki Lan.