Yes I am a retard, because I always thought malay is a race. Thank you for educating me, I think you need to tell the government they are wrong.
Ethnic Group - Ethnic group refers to a person's race. The population is classified into the following four categories:
This refers to persons of Chinese origin such as Hokkiens,
Teochews, Cantonese, Hakkas, Hainanese, Hockchias,
Foochows, Henghuas, Shanghainese, etc.
This refers to persons of Malay or Indonesian origin, such
as Javanese, Boyanese, Bugis, etc.
This refers to persons of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi or
Sri Lankan origin such as Tamils, Malayalis, Punjabis,
Bengalis, Singhalese, etc.
Other Ethnic Groups
This comprises all persons other than Chinese, Malays and
Indians. They include Eurasians, Europeans, Arabs, Japanese, etc