Ultimately, Redistribution of Wealth is one of the pillars for a progress & evolution in any society, a legacy taught by our visionary & hardworking Founding & forefathers. Singapore had only $100million in our Treasury but there were so much, so much more dollars needed to UPLIFT the lives of 1.5million citizens back then, such as housing, education, healthcare, etc despite the challenges they face back then - communism, racist supremacy idealisms, abandonment..... but they simply rolled up their sleeves, made it & the rest is history - our todays...
After the Oldchangkee curry puff case whereby MUCH manpower was deployed to get evidences & then to the Courts to get warrants to obtain Judicial permission to seek Banks assistance on transaction records, finally, many more of citizens were aware of how selling curry puffs could make one capable of purchasing luxury homes, watches, cars, etc and CRITICALLY - how such funds were denied by the rich thru tax evasion methods to give such fair tax payments to our Nation to fund social expenditure when it was thru OUR COLLECTIVE efforts that they could earn such capital.
In happened in the past - a mere few years ago, & since then with better knowledge, eyes were watching on such trades, not to hamper or curtail them for their efforts, but only to find FAIR means that those whom are successful should contribute to our evolving society, to uplift further lives.
Raising HDB rentals is one way, but it will HARM than do go good, especially to new entrants to the Hawker trade whom many had deemed a cultural heritage. With high rents, they may just give up, the way they had give up on owning cars or even marriage. Not everyone, no matter the circumstances in life choices would make a good & successful Hawker, more so without the necessary training on entrepreneurship....
Repeating the successful process of how our govt managed to nail OldChangkee boss would take a long time, much resources & manpower, as there are thousands of Hawker enterprises in Singapore.
However still...all is not lost to get everyone to be responsible & give their fair share into our Treasury for social expenditure to uplift lives. There needs NO draconian measures. Technology has once again shown the way. ....Thanks for using Paynow which records purchases....