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The mysterious figure is that of a man, who looks to be in his 40s, usually dressed in a black tee, with long messy hair covering his eyes and a moustache.
“It was 12pm and he was standing at the window of the flat directly opposite mine, looking straight ahead with a steady gaze and not moving – for around 30 minutes,” Jayley tells 8days.sg as she gives us a tour of her home, which she moved into in September (more on that later).
“I was so freaked out. I told my helper about it, and she saw him too. I took a photo of him so no one would think I was imagining things.”
Jayley shows us photos of said “creepy” neighbour, which we will not post for privacy reasons, and let’s just say they give us the chills.
Standing in the shadows of his home around 50 metres away, the man appears to be staring into the camera. There is something disconcerting and haunting about his gaze. It is the same in another photo which was taken on a different day, also around noon.
While Jayley isn’t sure if he does this regularly, she has noticed him a couple of times in the two months she’s moved in. She does “not feel good about the vibes”, and understandably so. It doesn’t help that the windows of his home are always covered with mismatched bed sheets, which he uses as curtains, except the window he’s been seen peering from.
“I’m concerned that he could be a paedophile and watching my baby ‘cos we didn’t have curtains when we first moved in. It’s a bit sensitive when we change diapers,” she explains.
“My friends asked if I want to file a police report, but on what grounds? It’s not like he’s holding a pair of binoculars looking into my home. He’s just looking in the general direction and for all you know, he’s spacing out. If anything, I’m the creep for taking photos of him.”