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[Sg] - AMDK shares his experience with a Sg 'gangster' who threatened him

Scrooball (clone)

The real gangsters in Singapore are the ones wearing white.

Kinda like GI Joe. U think wearing white is the good guy? Lol oh dear… u are in for a surprise.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
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level 1
flapping_thundercunt :

but also don't be under any illusion that some of the triads can look like ah bengs and really fuck your shit up regardless of LA and military jadada. look for the dots. I've seen a fair few Singaporeans fuck big bad expats up - the us navy used to/probably still does dock in Singapore. Man oh man did I see some GI's get their shit fucked up.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

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level 2
·17 hr. ago

You mean you DON'T find every opportunity to talk about your military experience in Afghanistan? What drivel.
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level 3
·9 hr. ago

Don't know why they are always boasting about such a shameful thing.

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level 2
·19 hr. ago

Lol the whole shit dialogue and OPs murican Eagle power army ranger swagger replies are like some Arnie vs predator copypasta shit.
Almost like clockwork can see these badass angmoh mofos getting their ass whooped around clark /boat quay and other popular drinking spots.
I was watching the USS stuntman getting drunk and shouting fuck singapore fuck chinese bastards etc next day read about his obituary


There was another got killed in a billiard saloon at Sembawang as far as I can recall! One got "obliterated" while saying something bad at Newton hawker centre years ago! History...I was still a primary schoolboy though reading through the ST!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Which part says he is angmo?
He could be abc
grew up in gangbanger hood in l.a., sexposed to street violence, “nailed” a brother, deployed in afghanistan. most likely a nigger. don’t fuck with a ghetto nigger from hardcore l.a. or oakland. death stalks them at every turn. sinkie bengs will get their arses whipped.


1st off, my salute to you for serving in the US military to help Afghanistan, regardless if you will be able to read this post here or not, but can be an example for naive others whom are bullied by so called 'gangsters'.

Next, you did the right thing instead with your communication to them that at the least convinced them to back off. Spore is a Rule of Law nation, & everyone, including foreigners are protected by the law. Just ask them which secret society they belong in, then tell them you too, as guest of Singapore, belong to a society known as 999 - Singapore's Police dept. There is no need for violence, and in such events should violence be initiated by others, civil lawsuits will come into play, with evidences from cameras.

It is not for you alone, but every guest & Singaporean citizen as well. Our Founding fathers & forefathers had done well to institute the Rule of Law in Spore, for decades, & had so called triad leaders rotting in prisons even now. They know what is in score for them, & thus they backed off.

In our hard won multi-racial country, the golden rule RULES - Hurt/Harm none & not be hurt/harmed by anyone else, or else unnecessary repercussions will only ensue.