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See how retarded Muslims are.


They are just Lao Hong Cookie like below

Loh disagreed that the term meant “weak”, but said she used lao hong because she felt Khan was “quite susceptible to criticism”.

Raeesah Khan, former MP from The Workers’ Party in Singapore. Photo: Facebook
Raeesah Khan, former MP from The Workers’ Party in Singapore. Photo: Facebook
Asked what her understanding of the dialect phrase meant, Loh said: “Would you call a lao hong biscuit a weak biscuit? … It’s just not a crispy biscuit.”


ya rite nvr ever swallow watever these highest payed pathological liers spew out

since there is no way for them to catch these radicals unless snitched by sum1 why hs there bean no such cases??

hs he sexplained his $88M gcb sale yet ??
