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SDP under Chee: From a well-respected opposition party to a pariah shunned by all


if chee keeps getting dwindling voters' supports, what's there he could do? more rantings? he has no intention to be in parleement. his main motive to to whack the cuntry and its gabrament.

these retards would probably not vote:

bob sim the PAP dog

bob sim the temple thief

bob sim the father basher

bob sim the chao ah kwa

bob sim the fake monk

bob sim the con-man & cheat

bob sim the shape shifter

bob sim the moron who called his mother lau-chee-bye



Mr Lockeliberal aka Marcus Yap:

Caught you lying again. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Can you give an example to substantiate your claim that "some people just look blindly and blithely state that protests and demonstrations are the solution to all our problem" ?

As usual, I know you can't.

How's business at your Holland Drive shop ? Do you often have your lunch at the coffeeshop around the corner ? :biggrin::biggrin:

Dear Porifirio

Someone has managed to errrr put the chicken before the egg or misread current SEA political history. Protest are fine in the countries stated, but the reason the " mass
" protests were successful were because the politicians organizing the protest could win votes in elections which in turn meant they could turn out supporters which in turn meant that the protest further strengthened their political objectives.

Ever why some people just look blindly and blithely state that protests and demonstrations are the solution to all our problem ? And Thailand god the people replacing Thaksin through protests are probably less democratic than even LKY and its a good thing ?

Yellow People I believe is a democrat who believes in democracy as long as it delivers his preferred result.



Dear Avantas

Excerpt below from Yellow_People so is he one of ur clones seeing as you like jumping to his defense.


"This is quite a pathetic excuse of a statement coming from the WP. All of the countries mentioned by Avantas, Malaysia, Thailand and Taiwan would not have progressed democratically had it not been for the civil disobedience and protests. Look at the recent protests in Thailand and the HinduRaf in Malaysia right before the elections in Malaysia. It was not without sacrifice mind you. You do not wake up one fine morning and the country had turned democratic whilst everyone was fast asleep in bed. "


Dear Avantas

Excerpt below from Yellow_People so is he one of ur clones seeing as you like jumping to his defense.

How about just answering the questions posed?

Take a good look at my moniker motherfucker.. it says yellow_people. I know the WP SOBs are stupid but they can't possibly be this dumb. You are looking for an easy way out and save yourself some arse rimming.


I can't speak for CSJ and his SDP but suffice to say IMHO, they are on the right track.

As for giving LTK the boot, I'm simply giving Singaporeans a win-win suggestion. LTK will still be in parliament, only as an NCMP this time around which does not make a damn bit of difference anyway. This will have the effect of forcing the WP to re-evaluate their party objectives - whatever they may be now. At least it will get rid of pseudo-opposition parties in subsequent elections as they know the public cannot be duped any longer by demogogues tongued politicians like LTK who pretend to be opposition.

And the PAP can no longer go around telling everyone the pretext that Singaporean has a multi-party democracy. At present that only true in form but not substance.

As for full PAP dominance, isn't that what they and their internet dogs want? Why would they complain? Or does LTK and his WP serve a political agenda for the PAP?

A little too presumptive, if I may. The WP wins only 1 seat everytime after fielding a handful of candidates and that itself cannot be said to be successful. Losing this seat means nothing and may not cause them to reevaluate. If they think this seat means a lot, I think they need to get their head examined.

In any case, even if the WP had only one NCMP seat, it still "showcases democracy" as per the argument put forth by the people in this particular school of thought.

I think in such a discussion along this line, I suggest it be on the merits of whether the parliamentary route is effective, rather than assume we know WP and LTK inside out and what they think.

For example, if we talk about the SDP's route, it should be about the merits of civil disobedience rather than whether Dr Chee is doing it for foreign funding (just an example). That is IMHO more helpful.


Someone has managed to errrr put the chicken before the egg or misread current SEA political history. Protest are fine in the countries stated, but the reason the " mass
" protests were successful were because the politicians organizing the protest could win votes in elections which in turn meant they could turn out supporters which in turn meant that the protest further strengthened their political objectives.

No protests are not about winning votes but about having the moral courage and conviction to right a wrong. Of course courage and conviction is alien to people like yourself, LTK and WP. Some of HINDURAF leaders are still languishing in prision 1 year after the protest.

Protests and civil disobedience only guarantees sacrifice on the part of the individual its not about a guarantee to win votes in elections.

Of course I can't blame an opportunistic self serving party like the present WP for beliving that sacrifice and civil disobedience should automatically translate to guaranteed votes seeing as to how cowardly and an opposition on bended knees the WP has become. David Marshall and JBJ must be tossing and turning in their graves.


A little too presumptive, if I may. The WP wins only 1 seat everytime after fielding a handful of candidates and that itself cannot be said to be successful. Losing this seat means nothing and may not cause them to reevaluate. If they think this seat means a lot, I think they need to get their head examined.

Tell that to LTK and his minows. They go around acting as the alternative party or government.

In any case, even if the WP had only one NCMP seat, it still "showcases democracy" as per the argument put forth by the people in this particular school of thought.

No it does not. An elected MP is a bonafide MP with voting rights. An NCMP is a concession by the victors, in this case the PAP to sit in parliament under their good graces with absolutely no voting rights. An the NCMP is at the victor's discretion. i.e they can choose not to offer it at all. It does not showcase democracy. Not one iota. Be it in inverted commas as you have put it.

I think in such a discussion along this line, I suggest it be on the merits of whether the parliamentary route is effective, rather than assume we know WP and LTK inside out and what they think.

For example, if we talk about the SDP's route, it should be about the merits of civil disobedience rather than whether Dr Chee is doing it for foreign funding (just an example). That is IMHO more helpful.

WTF are you trying to say?? That we should fix rules as to how this discussion on the internet forum is conducted??


Hi jacys/Cleareyes/Wisely,

Getting confused of which nick to use ?? :biggrin::biggrin:

Let's put it another way. Wayangparty.com was never interested to jump onto anybody's "bandwagon" because unlike TOC's Andrew Loh which is unemployed and therefore can run TOC full time, wayangparty's writers hold proper well-paying full-time jobs. They don't really care a damned about wayangparty's 'political future' if it is the correct word to use in the first place. It is merely a blog to them.

Tan Kin Lian and TOC is just another false dawn.

When Remy Choo enters working life, the realities of the world will dawn upon him. Do you think he still have the time or energy to run TOC or get involved in politics as young lawyer struggling to establish himself in the legal fraternity ? Singaporeans have no time for politics. Earning a decent living, advancing in one's career and buying cars and properties are more meaningful to them. Will Remy Choo give up his future for his political ambitions ? Dream on, the moment PAP comes inviting him to their tea party, he will jump immediately !

Tan Kin Lian will run road immediately to Australia the moment PAP knock on his head like what happened to his previous protest at NTUC INCOME. He has admitted his wife does not want him to be involved in politics. His will is weak and easily wavered as evident by his posturing. If Tan has any political ambition, he will not have waited till now to reveal them.

So who will anchor TOC except Andrew Loh with a baggage of scandals awaiting his enemies to expose ?

You think the Pappies don't know about his "exploits" in the old SBF ? Andrew Loh is a sitting duck, waiting to be "slaughtered". He knows it himself and that's why he passed TOC to Remy Choo and became his "deputy" though he is still running the show.

Only two fates await TOC: fade into oblivion as its writers lose their passion as they enter working life or in the unlikely event it continues to grow be bought over by SPH like fuckwarezone. Unless Andrew Loh is willing to babysit TOC for the rest of his life, TOC will not last more than a few years.


Talk about sour grapes.

The more I got you to talk, the more you showed your bitterness over your failure.

I m so enjoying this.


Tell that to LTK and his minows. They go around acting as the alternative party or government.

I have no clues as to how that perception came about but you are entitled to your views.

No it does not. An elected MP is a bonafide MP with voting rights. An NCMP is a concession by the victors, in this case the PAP to sit in parliament under their good graces with absolutely no voting rights. An the NCMP is at the victor's discretion. i.e they can choose not to offer it at all. It does not showcase democracy. Not one iota. Be it in inverted commas as you have put it.

I am a little confused here. As far as I recall, the argument was that WP's sole seat was also a "grace of the PAP". That makes it no different from the NCMP. Also suggested was that LTK could become NCMP although now it is said that there is no guarantee LTK will become NCMP.

WTF are you trying to say?? That we should fix rules as to how this discussion on the internet forum is conducted??

No. As I said, I was just making a suggestion. If I go into, say, Chee is paid by PAP or foreigners, I am not sure if you will find the discussion able to going on without anyone erupting that I am making false accusations (which I am).


Dear Yellow

I will let you bury yourself with your one track political niativite. All protests are political and are about securing a political objective and not about sacrifice per say. From the PAD in Thailand to the Keadilan in Malaysia.



Dear Perspective

Our dear yellow people is a confused individual which probably has to do with the contortions of logic and rhetoric he has to do in order to sustain his argument.

Do note that in my and others earlier engagement with him, his accusation was that the WP was NOT DOING ENOUGH to be an alternative and thus could not pose a serious threat to the PAP.

In his latest post he has said the WP and minions go around acting as the alternative party or the government. From north to south and all around the world I would say in terms of his argument. Can you make sense of it I can't.



Dear Perspective

Our dear yellow people is a confused individual which probably has to do with the contortions of logic and rhetoric he has to do in order to sustain his argument.

Do note that in my and others earlier engagement with him, his accusation was that the WP was NOT DOING ENOUGH to be an alternative and thus could not pose a serious threat to the PAP.

In his latest post he has said the WP and minions go around acting as the alternative party or the government. From north to south and all around the world I would say in terms of his argument. Can you make sense of it I can't.


Perhaps he meant to express that the WP has not done enough in "showing courage" yet goes around "acting as the alternative party".

All I wish to do is to understand his perspective deeper, as in his criticism of the WP, he has used the SDP as a benchmark. Now, I think both parties do not really have the same direction, employ the same tactics or same activities. I would fathom better an engagement of which party is more electable as the 2nd stronger party - the WP or the NSP, or the WP or the SPP. This would involve debating the points in their manifestos.

However, if the model opposition is one that denounces the electoral system, that involves different stories but is fine with me. In that case, this is the disputable point and not whether LTK is really under some control of LKY and idolises him, or whether CSJ is a PAP plant out to cause damage to the opposition. All that is moot.

At this point of time, I do not wish to assume or put words in someone else's mouth.


Heard LTK earns more than S$30K a month, lives in a bungaLOW and owns a few cars. If you were him, will you have any "courage" or "conviction" ??

No protests are not about winning votes but about having the moral courage and conviction to right a wrong. Of course courage and conviction is alien to people like yourself, LTK and WP. Some of HINDURAF leaders are still languishing in prision 1 year after the protest.

Protests and civil disobedience only guarantees sacrifice on the part of the individual its not about a guarantee to win votes in elections.

Of course I can't blame an opportunistic self serving party like the present WP for beliving that sacrifice and civil disobedience should automatically translate to guaranteed votes seeing as to how cowardly and an opposition on bended knees the WP has become. David Marshall and JBJ must be tossing and turning in their graves.


Hi jacys/wisely/darkcloud and clones:

"bitterness" ?? "failure" ??? You are really DELUDED !!!

You should get Remy Choo and Andrew Loh to wake up from their dreams lah !

Let's see if Remy Choo will still be involved with TOC after he graduated, unless he doesn't want his career.

Andrew Loh is already 42 years old and still achieve nothing in his life. Of course TOC means everything to him. Come to think it, he's really quite pitiful.


Talk about sour grapes.

The more I got you to talk, the more you showed your bitterness over your failure.

I m so enjoying this.


Dear yellow,

What have you done for the opposition ? You have no right to criticize WP or LTK. They have sacrificed more than you can ever imagine.


Tell that to LTK and his minows. They go around acting as the alternative party or government.

No it does not. An elected MP is a bonafide MP with voting rights. An NCMP is a concession by the victors, in this case the PAP to sit in parliament under their good graces with absolutely no voting rights. An the NCMP is at the victor's discretion. i.e they can choose not to offer it at all. It does not showcase democracy. Not one iota. Be it in inverted commas as you have put it.

WTF are you trying to say?? That we should fix rules as to how this discussion on the internet forum is conducted??


Hi jacys/wisely/darkcloud and clones:

"bitterness" ?? "failure" ??? You are really DELUDED !!!

You should get Remy Choo and Andrew Loh to wake up from their dreams lah !

Let's see if Remy Choo will still be involved with TOC after he graduated, unless he doesn't want his career.

Andrew Loh is already 42 years old and still achieve nothing in his life. Of course TOC means everything to him. Come to think it, he's really quite pitiful.

The only thing that tastes bitter is your gay cock! That's what your gay partners tell me.


Heard LTK earns more than S$30K a month, lives in a bungaLOW and owns a few cars. If you were him, will you have any "courage" or "conviction" ??

I also heard that Franklin Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy were also very rich when they contested to be the US President during their time. Obama was also a millionaire as well, living a upper-middle class life in Hyde Park, in Chicago when he ran.

And they all won a sizeable chunk of the working class vote despite their status.

So is it just that top leaders must be living equally with their constituents in order to qualify the criteria? Or is it the heart that matters more? After all, one can be rich and have full of empathy and heart. One can also be poor and downright vicious.

One should not confuse political activism and political leadership. After all, as I said, as an elected MP, you don't just take charge of the people who share same views as you, but you also take charge of other people who have disagreed with you, and didn't vote for you. That's why even some politicians who have upper-middle class backgrounds can win votes from the working class. Its the heart that matters, not so much the material wealth.



Your acting skills is getting from bad to worse. Wisely is not supposed to be vulgar. You should use Darkcloud instead.

LOL !!!

The only thing that tastes bitter is your gay cock! That's what your gay partners tell me.