I read from ST, he banged his new bike into the back of a van, both rider and pillion rider got flung onto the road and kena ran over by a tipper truck...
He did not follow the safe distance rule on the road which equals to inexperience and no skills...
He would not know whether the van in front will slow down or stop due to heavy traffic or other road conditions... he followed too closely, not enough distance to jam brake and bang!!! Accident and death occurred...
600cc bike is a CL 2 bike with power and speed... He definitely did not have the power and speed under his control... plus he could not control the bike as well with a pillion rider on it...
For your information, I rode all kinds of big bikes before, I know how much speed and power these machines are capable of... I ate Lambos and Ferarris for breakfast during my speeding trips down NSH years back...
At least you get your news from reliable sources. Makapa lives by ST.