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SAF Day Parade 2024 switched to indoor due to wet weather


Our tough SAF soldiers since the inception of SAF had proven BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT that they will complete missions to enhance training time, to save lives together as each individual unit, regardless of rain or shine, or whatever cowards & morons excuses can think of.& claim otherwise

Just ask ANY Singaporean citizen whom had served NS, & it will be proven...

The reason for holding the parade indoors is to protect the patriotic audience - civilians & the aged from bad weather conditions, the very ones that each NS serviceman & service woman, past & present, is sacrificing their time, efforts & more, for...

We Singaporeans will leave none behind....
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Our tough SAF soldiers since the inception of SAF had proven BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT that they will complete missions to enhance training time, to save lives together as each individual unit, regardless of rain or shine, or whatever cowards & morons excuses can think of.& claim otherwise

Just ask ANY Singaporean citizen whom had served NS, & it will be proven...

The reason for holding the parade indoors is to protect the patriotic audience - civilians & the aged from bad weather conditions, the very ones that each NS serviceman & service woman, past or present, is sacrificing their time, efforts & more, for...

We Singaporeans will leave none behind....
You are worse than @ginfreely .Fuck your parents.

A Singaporean

Our tough SAF soldiers since the inception of SAF had proven BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT that they will complete missions to enhance training time, to save lives together as each individual unit, regardless of rain or shine, or whatever cowards & morons excuses can think of.& claim otherwise

Just ask ANY Singaporean citizen whom had served NS, & it will be proven...

The reason for holding the parade indoors is to protect the patriotic audience - civilians & the aged from bad weather conditions, the very ones that each NS serviceman & service woman, past & present, is sacrificing their time, efforts & more, for...

We Singaporeans will leave none behind....
What a retard.