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Emergency has been declared at Goh Chok Tong constituency Marine Parade due to severe flood. Story is developing …


Alfrescian (Inf)
luckily some blocks have void decks. but still kena isolated and living in a void. consolation is finally sea cums to shore.




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By this hour, the insignificant nobody me is sure that the authorities had already or are attempting to resolve the situation, to alleviate & even managed to get traffic flowing in the affected areas.

My only surprise is that the authorities - NEA, LTA had to resort using pails to remove the waters.....

The are water pump trucks that can be deployed, to suck in the waters into container trucks.

Although some land areas are not regularly flat, but our forefathers in Civil Engineering had ensured that Drainage system exists. It is only a matter of using ground sensing radar - handheld or by drones, to find out the land depth, then deploy the water pump trucks at the many deep points, either to pump water into container trucks or lay flexi-tubes to canals to drain off the water, with effectiveness & efficiency.

All the best to Marine Parade residents & those affected. No infrastructure is forever, & needs maintenance, thus the need for tax revenues to ensure our way of life will not be severely affected....



Technically, by this hour, the waters would had been cleared, but however....

If it is not cleared, and NEA/LTA does not have the technological advances to do it, there exists a National Mobilization mandate in Singapore, whereby participating companies with the necessary & right equipment have to respond in an National emergency to resolve predicaments. They will be paid, for sure, for their contributions to our Nation.