Bro Fook Seng, this subject matter i can probably start a whole new thread about it, you are right to think his accent sounds slightly familiar to Singaporeans & Malaysians but the West Indian accent does vary from island to island. I'm not talking about Patois but English spoken with a West Indian twang or accent. I'm not sure how many people in Singapore know this but there's a lot of mixed blood people in the Caribbean, there's quite a lot of people with Indian & Chinese heritage there! They were brought over by the English to work back in colonial times & obviously they've stayed on & some have married other races, so it really is (pardon my Hokkien) O-Kui-Chup-Cheng but i see it as a positive thing & not a bad thing to be mixed raced there.
One of my lady friends who looks like a older version of Halle Berry once took me to a quiet corner & said to me, look at my eyes & there i was staring at her eyes & she said do you see something? i was like wah are you hitting on me or what? & she said my eyes are like your eyes becos my grandmother is Chinese.

and talking about Chinese, the most famous Chinese i know in Jamaica is Leslie Kong.
If you ever get the chance to see the film - The Harder They Come, you'll see a a very brief appearance of Leslie Kong in the background manning the mixing desk when Jimmy Cliff is singing in the recording studio scene.
So next time you see someone from the Caribbean, just high five him & call him Bro! you never know, he could turn out to be your real Bro!