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Posted on 20 Mar 2010
Man molests Ris Low by pulling her tube top down in taxi queue
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Benji came across disgraced beauty queen Ris Low’s blog and was shocked to discover that she was molested.
On top on that, she even used vulgarities when relating the incident on her blog.
The former Miss Singapore World wrote in a blog entry dated Mar 17 that she was standing in a taxi queue when someone walked up to her and pulled down her tube top.
She claims that she told him about it but he had already ran away.
She added that she regretted not giving him a kick that she had learnt from Muay Thai.
She wrote: “He pulled down my tube in front of a taxi stand queue la!
“I told him off and he ran away. Regret keeping that kick I have from Muay Thai. Sigh.”
The STOMPer was shocked.
“She is a public figure and almost everyone knows who she is.
“By blogging and using vulgarities, our young might follow suit.
“While I am sorry that she got molested, she should be aware that she has an audience and not use vulgarities.”
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: Ris Low , blog , molest
Man molests Ris Low by pulling her tube top down in taxi queue
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Benji came across disgraced beauty queen Ris Low’s blog and was shocked to discover that she was molested.
On top on that, she even used vulgarities when relating the incident on her blog.
The former Miss Singapore World wrote in a blog entry dated Mar 17 that she was standing in a taxi queue when someone walked up to her and pulled down her tube top.
She claims that she told him about it but he had already ran away.
She added that she regretted not giving him a kick that she had learnt from Muay Thai.
She wrote: “He pulled down my tube in front of a taxi stand queue la!
“I told him off and he ran away. Regret keeping that kick I have from Muay Thai. Sigh.”
The STOMPer was shocked.
“She is a public figure and almost everyone knows who she is.
“By blogging and using vulgarities, our young might follow suit.
“While I am sorry that she got molested, she should be aware that she has an audience and not use vulgarities.”
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: Ris Low , blog , molest