It is tiered.
First 0 – $18,200 is not taxed at all
$18,201 – $37,000 taxed at 19% ( you pay $3572 if you earn $37,000 a year )
$37,001 – $90,000 taxed at 32.5% ( you pay $3572+$17,225= $20,797 if you earn $90,000 a year)
$90,001 – $180,000 taxed at 37% ( you pay $3572+$17225+$33,300=$54,097 if you earn $180,00 a year)
Every dollar earned above $180,00 you pay 45% and that is added to the $54,097 from the first $180,000.
So let's say someone earns $40,000 a year their taxable income is $37,000-$18,201=$18,799. That is then taxed at 19% $3572. The remainder $3000 is taxed at 32.5% ie $975. Hence total tax is $4547. Which means actual overall tax rate is 11.4%
If you earn $60,000 your total tax is $7797. Effective tax rate is 12.99%
If you earn $90,000 a year your total tax is $20,797. Effective tax rate is 23.1%
Is that really THAT BAD?
If you earn $120,000 a year ie $10k per month your total tax is $11,100+ $20,797=$31897. Effective tax rate 26.6%. $88,103 is after tax income. $7341 per month.
In sg if you earn $120,000 per year your total tax is $7950. Effective tax rate is 6.6%. After tax income is $9337.5 per month.
So between someone in Oz vs Sg both earning 10k a month salary after tax disposable income difference is $1996.50 higher for the Sinkie.
I think both would own a car. The sinkie probably will need to pay $20k or more every 10 years on his COE.
So in the end is about the same lah. Unless you dont own car in sg lah.
Oh and I forgot....sinkie got to pay CPF correct? 20% cut out every month. So the sinkie who earn 10k a month also got to contribute 2k to CPF. Meaning his actual money in pocket is only $7337.50 per month. Which is less than the Ozzie. Well we can say year can use CPF pay for house. Also employer top up 17% also. But your CPF money yours or not?
You go figure lah.