Now might be the time to discuss race issues in Singapore in a mature and responsible way. I am delighted by Forummers SGMalay and Hossey for sharing their views and their challenges.
SG Malay -
Hossey -
Both are clearly sincere and like them, many are looking for answers to bridge gaps and reach an understanding.
There are couple of observations that I would like to make;
1) This government notion of harmony is divide and rule with heavy dose of laws to maintain order. As long as there are no racial incident, somehow that in their view means harmony.
2) Those who grew up in the early years will clearly recall the camaderie enjoyed between the 4 main racial groups.
3) Policies are now seem to be addressing issues along racial lines. Its started with the elections and parliamentary seats, then it went into housing, then education, now self help groups with even job placements along racial lines.
Let me start with the Malays. Will follow up with the Indians, the Eurasians and us Chinese.
SG Malay -
Hossey -
Both are clearly sincere and like them, many are looking for answers to bridge gaps and reach an understanding.
There are couple of observations that I would like to make;
1) This government notion of harmony is divide and rule with heavy dose of laws to maintain order. As long as there are no racial incident, somehow that in their view means harmony.
2) Those who grew up in the early years will clearly recall the camaderie enjoyed between the 4 main racial groups.
3) Policies are now seem to be addressing issues along racial lines. Its started with the elections and parliamentary seats, then it went into housing, then education, now self help groups with even job placements along racial lines.
Let me start with the Malays. Will follow up with the Indians, the Eurasians and us Chinese.