Thanks for the information man. Heard there's one Blanco stall in Serangoon Gdn too man. Now I'm confused.
Forgot to post this photo 2 weeks ago when I was in Singapore.
Went to Ikea, walked to Queensway after that and was surprised to see SAFRA suddenly replaced by this hotel, since when, Queenstown has really changed these days[/URL]
Blk 27A only thing left is it's bus-stop. Green patch is the block and the carpark. My family lived here since 1971 to 2009.
Q'town Driving Centre where many of us older got our driving and motor license
Princess House in blue looks like its in the mist of demolition.
It's not just HDB. CPF Board is another cash cow for them, I believe. Since most, if not all, buyers use CPF savings to pay, it's likely that the "inner circle" law firms will have been on the panel of both HDB and CPF.
If you go to any Tom, Dick and Harry firms at People's Park, they can act for HDB, but not CPF. This is the reason why other law firms are unable to charge lower than Lee because Lee can waive one set of costs, but the other law firms who are not on CPF Panel will have to collect money from you to pay CPF Panel law firm.
Since hdb in business....lee & lee already was the default lawyers.
Back then $500 per transaction fees basically standard paperwork only.
Now is thousands. Can you imagine how much lee and lee made already? Machiam printing money with no need look for sales.
Later years no choice they have to open up this lobang to a few of their cronies. Still I believe already raked in billions
It was never a tender process needed as far as I know. HDB has always allowed you to use your own lawyer. But if you did, the paperwork took several weeks later. Happened to friends of mine. they used Drew Napier to do their conveyancing and found out other people had their keys 2 weeks before them. But if you don't request to HDB that you want to use your own lawyer, they will simply default to Lee and Lee. Also, many people know about being tekaned if they don't use the HDB specified lawyers, so they just kwai kwai keep quite. Most other legal firms charge the same as Lee and Lee, so its not like they are saving a lot of money. But the fact that so many conveyancing directed to Lee and Lee, far in proportion to their market share of the legal business in singapore is already corruption.
Havelock used to be gangster hotbed that when growing up my father forbade us kids from going there.
But I still ventured there at night to eat the fried hokkien prawn noodle....its was at the infamous block 51 'fanta' named because it had the huge fanta ad with spotlights on the block. It was something else to eat there at night.....the place was very happening and colorful machiam old bugis street. Sights and sounds like that gone forever.....the noodle n
stall still operating there today.
Havelock used to be gangster hotbed that when growing up my father forbade us kids from going there.
But I still ventured there at night to eat the fried hokkien prawn noodle....its was at the infamous block 51 'fanta' named because it had the huge fanta ad with spotlights on the block. It was something else to eat there at night.....the place was very happening and colorful machiam old bugis street. Sights and sounds like that gone forever.....the noodle stall still operating there today.