RM is hovering around 3.07 these few days. These news should have negative impact on RM and cause it to weaken. I'm holding back from TT until near rate hike announcement in Dec. For those interested, DBS has free TT online banking to MY until end of this year.
China just increased their interest rate by 0.5% few days ago. Their economy is stabilising.
Would FED increase interest rate? Most likely no as why would they increase interest rate and strengthen the dollar when everyone in the world is weakening theirs?
IMDB had kinda finalised to sell RM16b of assets and it would be announced by December. The President of 1MDB is not going to face the Parliment looking like a fool. Actually they already received confirmed bids to buy over their assets from Qatar and TNB, China is also involved in a certain extent. It is a matter who they want to choose.
Even Mahathir had conceded that it is very difficult to force Najib to step down. The Opposition has a big dent as PAS the Islamic party refuse to vote down the annual Budget and they are now considered as a BN friendly Opposition party.
S$ is also suspected to weaken quietly.
The only uncertain outlook is oil prices. Normally it will increase after winter due to heating consumption but it depend on the how much are the reserves.
My speculation would be RM 2.90 to 3.00 range for the whole of next year. As long as it is above 2.70, I am a happy man.