As you drive to past the Educity, you can see the Stadium being completed already. The following is an article I cut and paste from this link:
The 350-acre campus at Educity Iskandar will be shared by no fewer than eight international universities, including three from the UK. Newcastle, Southampton and Reading universities will take their place alongside the Netherlands Maritime Institute of Technology and the Singaporean private university Raffles. Australia's Monash and a Californian cinematic art school associated with Pinewood Studios are in talks with Iskandar's management, leaving just one spot left for another, as yet unknown, international institution.
Students from all of the universities will live together in one giant international student village and will share sports and leisure facilities far beyond those any single university could afford, including a 14,000-seater stadium and an Olympic-length swimming pool.
No chance this Iskandar project will fail.