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Prank or not, one word to describe it...Poor Upbringing

like? playing PS3?

bet people of your kind never join any outdoor camps and get yourself dirty.

I never get tied up and never tie up another classmate in the twisted definition of juvenile fun, especially not when I am in my school uniform.

In my definition, that is considered a poor excuse of having fun. It reflects on a poor family upbringing where self-respect and humiliation mean the same thing.

You are trying to pass off "getting tied up and humiliated" as an activity in outdoor camps but last I know, such depraved activities are reserved for Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp.
I never get tied up and never tie up another classmate in the twisted definition of juvenile fun, especially not when I am in my school uniform.

In my definition, that is considered a poor excuse of having fun. It reflects on a poor family upbringing where self-respect and humiliation mean the same thing.

You are trying to pass off "getting tied up and humiliated" as an activity in outdoor camps but last I know, such depraved activities are reserved for Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp.

yah la yah la you super high class. bua ta han people like you. typical mountain tortoise singaporean that complain over practically every little things.

this was done in practically all combat units in army, i think you must be a clerk. knn making a mountain out of a mole.
Did the victim complained? Was she a willing participant?

It would appear then that the 'willing victim' could be the kind that has a fetish for masochistic bondage while the perpetrators 'satisfy' the role of the sadistic torturers

Willing party or not, is not the issue here. The Principal obviously is trying to sweep everything simply under the carpet but such activities in school uniform is universally known as ragging or hazing. The fact that counseling is needed speaks volumes. But more important is the deafening silence on the counseling done for the "willing party" - the girl. If the vid shows clearly that she was not enjoying it and was crying, then whatever she said after wards to the Principal carries a lesser weight. She may be encouraged not to give her friends away due to peer pressure, which is not too far-fetched. The school is just a fuck-up school with such a fuck-up Principal. Period.
same, the last time i played this kind of game was like 10 years ago. LOL
yah la yah la you super high class. bua ta han people like you. typical mountain tortoise singaporean that complain over practically every little things.

this was done in practically all combat units in army, i think you must be a clerk. knn making a mountain out of a mole.

Poor family upbringing means poor family upbringing lah. Money can't buy class, neither can a well-known school change poor family upbringing. I suggest you go read more on ragging and hazing, ok?
Poor family upbringing means poor family upbringing lah. Money can't buy class, neither can a well-known school change poor family upbringing. I suggest you go read more on ragging and hazing, ok?

lol trying very hard to justify yourself for not being able to take jokes. petty means petty.
NO wonder there is no creativity in SInkieland... a little bit of things that is out of ordinary, an authority steps in , hahahhhah. GOod luck sinkies.
lol trying very hard to justify yourself for not being able to take jokes. petty means petty.

Shall we tie you up upside down and pour shit on you, then it is a joke. I am sure you can take it. You know what, you like to talk cock like sing song. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Poor upbringing you're coming from, you know that, don't you?
Ragging: School didn't get to the root of the problem
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR></TR><TR></TR><!-- headline one : end --><!-- show image if available --></TBODY></TABLE>

<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><!-- more than 4 paragraphs -->I READ with concern yesterday's article, 'Uproar on Net over birthday-prank clip'. The administration of Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC) said the birthday girl and her classmates involved in the ragging incident did it in good fun. It said the students involved had been counselled on possible hazards of such activities and told there were more appropriate ways to show friendship among peers.

While counselling seems a good remedial strategy, I do not feel that ACJC has appreciated or addressed the root of the problem. There are three issues I would like to highlight.

First, ragging, with whatever intentions it is carried out, is not socially acceptable or responsible behaviour. It does not matter whether it is done in 'good fun' or with punishment in mind. When viewed from a power relations perspective, according to French philosopher Michel Foucault, a fair and just relationship only happens when there is freedom to respond to a set of actions done to one. In this case, the ragged one adopts a helpless position while the raggers are in control. If schools do not sensitivise the next generation to the ideas of justice and fairness in their dealings with other people, one can only shudder at how the future looks for the nation. A top junior college like ACJC is supposed to produce a next generation of leaders who will take us into the new era. I wonder if this form of power relations (or lack of it) will be translated into the socio-political arena.

Second and somewhat tied to the first point, ragging is a form of bullying with an emotional impact on the victim. It does not matter if the birthday girl laughed with her tormentors, as claimed in the report. This is because the laughter of a victim, who has no control over a situation, does not indicate her willingness to be bullied. I do not claim to be an expert in psychology, but having had six years of teaching experience in Singapore and a year as head of department in character development in a junior college, I can safely say that most teachers will acknowledge that ragging is bullying. For an extreme form of ragging, we do not have to look further than our history textbooks. There are well documented cases during World War II in which Japanese captors, out of ill-intended 'fun', tortured their prisoners. Some captives pretended to enjoy the process in hope that their captors would be lenient and this is simply a self-preservation mechanism.

Third, the issue is with the clear and strong message ACJC has sent out to all students in other junior colleges and schools: 'Ragging is no big deal. There is no serious consequence to this action. You will be sent for counselling.' The college's light treatment of this incident will have serious repercussions in other junior colleges. I can imagine teachers, especially those involved in student welfare, discipline or character development, having a hard time rationalising with their students involved in ragging, that ragging is simply not good fun.
Goh Sao-Ee
yah la yah la, poor upbringing la. low class people like me also do not like to associate with boring people like you with good upbringing can?

its boring people like you that always spoils the party, this one cannot that one cannot. did you realise over the years many of your old friend don't bother to invite you to their party or gathering?

i also have an idea of what's good upbringing from your stands. petty idiots like you which cannot take jokes, easily agitated, make a mountain out of a mole.

i bet there are many people around you says you are boring with your so call "good fun". the best part, ask me to read up what is ragging LOL. do you have to read up to know what is fun? HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA

carry on and complain, we will just have our fun and leave us alone. boring people with good upbringing LOL.

anyway do you think dealing with shit is such a big deal? honestly i already got my fair shares with urine not from one person but 18, shit wise i have not experience that i admit in such situation. but even if that happens, i will take it like a man and those who tied me up better be a good runner when i am released.

if you cannot take it, that your problem, if you are petty, that is also your problem. there is no need to instill your silly idea to others. stop wanting others to live by your standards. if you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen, but just because you cannot make it you want others to follow you, that a bit silly.

let me related a real life incident in sispec during the 1990s. one idiot anyhow shit and in the field camp, and the csm dig up the shit and hold it in the plastic bag. during lunch time, he want everyone to pass the shit with barehands till someone admit. it was bloody raining at that moment, it pass around till the shits thinner and thinner and the csm call it off. then everyone can have their lunch. big deal with shit?

i dare to bet with you there are more of such incident untold esp in the 1970s to the 1990s.

so honestly when you tell me about pouring shit on you etc, to me big deal? at most go and bathed when everything is over. honestly i think you never being to any of the outdoor camps. have you ever wash the toiletbowl before?

i bet a rich white horse clerk like you never experience such things in ns. ah guah like you please stay in your air-con room and play computer, and enjoy your so call good fun.
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You can read the rest of the comments at the link and see how TOC’s Youth Writer Thng Yiren’s article got his arse greased by Netizens and most importantly, most feel that ACJC breeds losers and the students who participated in this ragging are from poor family upbringing, behaving like Ah Lians. More appalling is the weak reaction of the Principal Mrs Kelvyna Chan in handling this ragging.


Some comments below: Read the rest at the link.

2)<!--</div>--> Crazy cynic on November 15th, 2008 12.43 am <!---->
When universities and colleges are bannning froshing and initiations rites oversea, kids here are starting a tradition which has no base in our culture, there is no fun in what they are doing whether it is in good humour or not. What is shocking is the principal shrug it off as humour and not reprimending for their act to stop future copy cats.
Our kids are copying all the bad examples and not good ones from west, what next , shooting in schools! Nip it in the butts.

--> sarek_home on November 15th, 2008 7.27 am <!---->
A observation from Alvinology in his post:
Update: Since the videos have already been deleted, I can reveal more information - the videos were actually titled in CAPS: “XXXXX GOT DESTROYED” and was tagged under “loser”. Would friends do this to each other?

It is a good point to ponder on.

Second, should we just settle and conclude that all is fine with remarks like:

“Some weeks after the event, a teacher again enquired about the girl’s wellbeing, and she assured the teacher and the College that the celebrations were all done in good fun and she was well.

The video shows a “ragging incident” and a “victim humiliated”.
The “victim” said it was “done in good fun”. Also people mentioned her blog entry to support that position.

I ask this question: any peer pressure at work here?
Stories of peer pressure resulted in teens going shoplifting, having sex, taking drugs etc is not new. They follow the flow of the gang to be accepted, to be somebody, to be popular etc.

I ask this question: any self-deception at work here?

The mind is complicated. Sometimes, when the situation stressed the mind so much, the mind find ways to escape like forgetting the incidents, rationalize the incidents in self-deception manner like abused wife offering excuses to justify abuses, or pretend nothing wrong is happening. The extreme cases will be alternative characters, split personality to allow one to escape totally from this life.

Yes, it will be difficult to know if she was really having a great time or she was twisted into believing she was having a great time due to peer pressure or self-deception.

I can only say I feel very sorry to see such things happen, not just the incident itself but the responses from all quarters.
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Update: Since the videos have already been deleted, I can reveal more information - the videos were actually titled in CAPS: “XXXXX GOT DESTROYED” and was tagged under “loser”. Would friends do this to each other?


"Destroyed Loser"
If this ACJC episode of ragging by this group of Ah Lians is not suggestive of VERY POOR FAMILY UPBRINGING, then the school must be at fault in condoning such debasing and humiliating acts in the name of juvenile fun.

In other foreign schools across the world, such raging and hazing are considered deviant student behavour punishable by expulsion, yet in Sinkiepore, some students still think this is fun. Obviously, these students need to get themselves a life.

ACJC girl gets tied up and tortured… by friends “celebrating” her birthday

<SMALL class=date>13 11 2008 </SMALL>
I am seldom surprised by ragging photos or videos, having been sanitised via my own experiences. Coming from an all-boys secondary school and having been through NS, I seen my fair share. However the screen grabs below from two ragging videos I saw on youtube truly disturbed me. In the past, there were no digital camera or camcorder to record down the process, but with the advent of technology, such activities are often recorded and the videos or photos end up online, causing further humiliation to the victims.

The two videos mentioned are particularly shocking to me because of two factors. First of all, the perpetrators are practically all females, with a few boys in the background cheering. I never knew women are into such cruelty as well. Second, it occurred in bright daylight at a crowded school canteen - where everybody can see! The poor victim was tied to a chin-up bar and attacked mercilessly. All in the name of “celebrating” her birthday.

The school where all these took place is a well-reputed school - Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC). (No point in concealing the school’s identity as the uniform of the students involved is obvious)

Female bullies

When the poor victim was first grabbed by her group of “friends”, she protested that she was wearing a skirt and may zaogeng. Instead of letting her go, they forced her to put on her PE shorts. The victim was then dragged unwillingly from the crowded canteen to a nearby chin-up bar to be tied up for the ensuing ritual.

Forced to put on PE shorts

When she shouted for them to stop, they took a masking tape and stuck it over her mouth. A girl even hit her on the forehead to pin her down.

"Shut her up!"

When she started crying… they smashed her face with cakes and poured milk over her head. Quite a few times, her PE shorts was exposed in the struggle as her skirt was tugged upwards.

Got milk?

When she said she cannot see because the grue got in her eyes, they poured water over her and threw more icky foodstuff at her face.

"Enjoy this!"

Then, ironically… they circled around her and sang her a birthday song,. The group was laughing merrily all the way, seemingly oblivious to their friend’s sorry state. WTF????? There was even a girl who had the cheek to ask the victim if she is “happy or not”!

Left on her own

After all these, they walked away, leaving the wet and dirty victim begging for mercy with her hands tied to the poles, seated in an awkward position. To make things worse, the entire process is recorded down and the video is even uploaded onto youtube. If the victim was my sister or girlfriend, I will report the whole incident to the police as a molestation case. This is seriously demeaning. I mean… I can understand wanting to sabo your friend on her birthday, but obviously, the line of decency has be crossed here. Did the perpetrators even stop for a moment to think how they themselves would feel if they were in the victim’s shoes? To get tied up in public; risking upskirt exposure; have food and milk smashed all over you; worse of all - have the entire humiliating video uploaded online for the world to see.

What is wrong with our youths these days?

Previously, I blogged about how I came across a series of videosuploaded by a bunch of St Andrew’s boys spanking their friend’s butt and attacking his crotch. I do not know if their videos came to the attention of the school authorities or the boys grew up and felt guilty over what they have done to their friend - all the videos have been removed from youtube.
I hope this poor girl’s videos get deleted too asap. I won’t be providing the URL links to the videos. Don’t email me to ask. I hope the relevant school authorities will look into the matter and punish those involved accordingly.

From: Alvinology's Blog
This is a great post from a pre-school teacher....

39)<!--</div>--> Children live what they learn on November 16th, 2008 11.07 am <!---->
Respect yourself , respect others and respect the environment. I try to teach this to the little ones in my care in the preschool that I work in. If kids learn this very basic fact and carry it through their adult lives, we can all make life a whole lot better for ourselves and others… Ragging would have no place in society if people abide with this principle. Yes, there is space for fun and clowning around as a group ; but a line should be drawn when things are done against a person’s will. Whether the protesting person says later that she was a willing participant (out of peer pressure perhaps?) is beside the point. How can there be justification in forcing collective will over an individual’s freedom ? How does something like this become the culture in an educational institution ? Has it got to do with teens needing an outlet for the high pressure they face in the pursuit of academic excellence?

I don’t know ….Again I want to say that I’m all for kids having fun and letting their hair down. I just get uncomfortable when they don’t see anything wrong in forcing things against a person’s will and justifying their actions in the self righteous, smart alecky tone in Javier Yeo’s blog… Really doesn’t matter if these kids come out of school with straight As…. something is really wrong when they grow up with no respect for themselves and for others….

Another thing that children and adolescents need to learn are that there are consequences to the choices they make. But in Singapore , we put so much into academic performance that everything else seems secondary….
Having read blogs from Wee Shu Min , Javier Yeo (all in the vein of Xiaxue) one gets the impression that some young people are so full of themselves and lacking in humility… I fear for the next generation if these blogs are representative of the mindset of the next generation…..but I am optimistic that these are the minority ; and that the majority of young Singaporeans are respectful, caring individuals who look to things that are noble and good in themselves and in others….

So let’s hope that we all do the right thing with our own children and start from the homes, so that Singapore will be a kinder society in the years ahead…
this means the teaching staff of acjc also likes to be tie up. maybe we can befriend any acjc student this way we can tie him/her up to celebrate any occassion like 'celebrate the first day i know you.'

if this kind of thing is adknowledge as fun then this victim next time will be a like the group and thus do the same things to other ppl and wow people with high grade will become people without morals.