Thanks for the link. I haven't heard of that one before. I fortunately don't have such a problem. I open my bowel sometimes three times a dayIt's a pain in the arse, as I hate using public conveniences. I was out shopping with a friend and she made me laugh so much, need I say more. It was so embarrassing as I couldn't find a toilet. :o I hope you don't mind me asking but does yours float or sink?
Essential fats is necessary for good health as the body cannot manufacture it & the lack of it will lead to cardio vascular problems, diabetes, etc. You may have heard of these fats as omega 3, omega 6 & omega 9. Not only do you need them but you also need them in the correct proportions
Go read about how important it is here:
If you lack the essential fats you'll have the following problems"
* Dry skin
* Constipation
* Low energy levels
* Brittle hair and hair loss
* Poor nail growth
* Deterioration of liver and kidneys
* Behavioral changes due to brain deterioration
* Glands dry up
* Immune system deteriorates, resulting in more infections, poorer wound healing, and increased cancer
* Digestion problems, inflammation, bloating, allergies, autoimmune conditions
* Bone mineral loss
* Reproductive failure: sterility in males and miscarriage in females
* Retarded growth of children
* Tingling in arms and legs due to nerve deterioration
* Vision and learning problems
* Insulin resistance
* Increased risk of overweight
* Increased cancer risk
* Increased cardiovascular risk
* Decreased ability to cope with stress
* In mental illness, increased symptoms
* Decreased lung function
* Decreased tissue oxidation
Just want to highlight the fact that it reallly helps with constipation