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'Warrant card' flashed at woman for requesting seat
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Thursday, Jul 21, 2011
<!-- byline display here --><!-- CONTENT NEWS: start -->A simple request to a young couple to give up a priority seat on the MRT almost turned violent. It ended with a 62-year-old woman being verbally abused and harassed.
The incident took place on July 19, on a train heading towards Kembangan from Raffles Place and it was reported on STOMP.
At Kallang station, an elderly Malay man boarded the train, the woman then asked the couple to give up their seat to him.
Her requests were ignored. Incensed by the fact that they were taking up the seats reserved for the elderly and pregnant women, she snapped three photographs of them.
As she was alighting, the girl demanded that she deleted the pictures that she had snapped earlier.
The elder woman refused and the couple alighted with her.
The elder woman claimed that she was then subjected to more verbal abuse by the younger woman, who continued to swear at her.
She then lunged at the older woman, but was stopped by her male companion. Fearing for her safety the woman told the couple that she was going to report them to the station security.
He then claimed that his female companion was not able to give up her seat as she was not feeling well.
The man then stepped forward and flashed a card at her. The elder woman was only able to spot the word, "Warrant" on the card.
The elder woman rushed home in a taxi and called SMRT to report the incident.
She was told by the officer to call back the following day as he had just taken over and did not want to be involved in the incident.
Another STOMP reader who claimed to be a friend of the girl in the photograph disputed the events of the incident.
Going by the moniker of 'AshCroft,' the reader said that the 'victim' was a lady in her 40s and not a 62-year-old. The reader also confirmed woman's male companion was a police officer.
The reader went on to add that warrant card was flashed because the older woman refused to cooperate and delete the pictures.
Instead the reader claimed that the woman ran out of the station screaming, "Someone wants to arrest me!"
A check on Singapore Legal Advice about laws constituting public photo taking, a similar incident was quoted.
The site claims that an uncensored photo can be constituted to defamatory, when broadcasted with accompanying text that accuses the main characters of wrong doing.
In such a case the subject in the photograph can seek legal recourse through a defamatory suit.
However, it is perfectly lawful to take photographs of others in a public place as long as the photos are decent and non-sexual in nature.
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Thursday, Jul 21, 2011
<!-- byline display here --><!-- CONTENT NEWS: start -->A simple request to a young couple to give up a priority seat on the MRT almost turned violent. It ended with a 62-year-old woman being verbally abused and harassed.
The incident took place on July 19, on a train heading towards Kembangan from Raffles Place and it was reported on STOMP.
At Kallang station, an elderly Malay man boarded the train, the woman then asked the couple to give up their seat to him.
Her requests were ignored. Incensed by the fact that they were taking up the seats reserved for the elderly and pregnant women, she snapped three photographs of them.
As she was alighting, the girl demanded that she deleted the pictures that she had snapped earlier.
The elder woman refused and the couple alighted with her.
The elder woman claimed that she was then subjected to more verbal abuse by the younger woman, who continued to swear at her.
She then lunged at the older woman, but was stopped by her male companion. Fearing for her safety the woman told the couple that she was going to report them to the station security.
He then claimed that his female companion was not able to give up her seat as she was not feeling well.
The man then stepped forward and flashed a card at her. The elder woman was only able to spot the word, "Warrant" on the card.
The elder woman rushed home in a taxi and called SMRT to report the incident.
She was told by the officer to call back the following day as he had just taken over and did not want to be involved in the incident.
Another STOMP reader who claimed to be a friend of the girl in the photograph disputed the events of the incident.
Going by the moniker of 'AshCroft,' the reader said that the 'victim' was a lady in her 40s and not a 62-year-old. The reader also confirmed woman's male companion was a police officer.
The reader went on to add that warrant card was flashed because the older woman refused to cooperate and delete the pictures.
Instead the reader claimed that the woman ran out of the station screaming, "Someone wants to arrest me!"
A check on Singapore Legal Advice about laws constituting public photo taking, a similar incident was quoted.
The site claims that an uncensored photo can be constituted to defamatory, when broadcasted with accompanying text that accuses the main characters of wrong doing.
In such a case the subject in the photograph can seek legal recourse through a defamatory suit.
However, it is perfectly lawful to take photographs of others in a public place as long as the photos are decent and non-sexual in nature.
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Click on thumbnail to view (Photos: STOMP)</TD></TR><TR><TD width=120></TD><TD width=120></TD><TD width=120></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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