The general consensus is that he is the worst PM. The wife helming Temasek has made it worse. The fact that the state press asked Tharman about aspiration for PMship is indicative of that consensus.
From the early years of nation building, the topical issues now are rogue monkey biting residents, SPH going into retirement homes, frequent breakdown of lifts, trains, new citizens behaving badly, etc.
The last serious debate was on the population white paper and it went down like a lead balloon with one of their own MPs walking out. It is now a blank space. He prefers to travel to Silicon Valley, taking photographs, and blogging about birds in the Istana etc. Completely oblivious to Singaporeans becoming 2nd class citizens, no tangible plan on the economy, an underperfoming and overpaid Mandarin class, and credible individuals not keen to step forward.
And pretending that issue of fruit machines in 92 clubs sucking dry vulnerable elderly with many clubs not even meeting the rules does not exist.