3) One can see that Gay Loong has no support among the civilian members of the cabinet and even in the PAP CEC. That was why the SAF scholarship scheme was hijacked by the PAP to provide a support base of scholar generals who were rushed into politics so they can be the base for fellow scholar general Gay Loong. This is why Gay Loong keeps appointing scholar generals into cabinet minister positions, key GLCs, etc. They will vote for him in CEC, and the will cover his ass. Without scholar generals in politics, no civilian will support Gay Loong, especially now after his father has died. Whether these scholar generals are any good or not remains to be seen. Already, we have seen serious failures like Lewd Fuck You and Dessie Quack.
Support is sealed via ONE family - the three brothers, who at different points of their careers in the army, air force, and navy?
Co-incidence? Can one family really produce such gems among three brothers, in three branches of the armed forces, at
different times? This is an extremely dangerous move in any other country.
Except in Thailand, where the PM (former army chief) is appointing his own brother to be Army Chief to prevent a coup.