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Pity Audrey Fong, already died horribly but Singapore 100% certified real news Straits Times continues to milk her for readership

Scrooball (clone)

The legal system in Spain is more efficient than our Sinkie courts. So fast the case is before the court already. In Sinkieland, the police will still be investigating.
Lol...u think too highly of Sinkieland poodles.

Probably list it as died of unnatural causes and leave it as that.


Straits times is milking Audrey Fang even though she was brutally murdered and the header is getting more salacious, just like Hong Kong AV movie. RIP Ms Audrey Fang, and this her family , be strong and know who is your enemy

Audrey Fang case: S’porean killed in Spain was romantically interested in suspect, say friends​



SINGAPORE – Singaporean Audrey Fang, who was killed in Spain in April, had been romantically interested in her suspected killer Mitchell Ong, whom she met on a social dating network, her two friends told the Spanish court.

Speaking through a translator on June 26 via a video call from Singapore, the friends testified that the pair had known each other at least since 2014. They described the relationship as “on and off”, Spanish media outlet La Verdad reported on June 27.

The friends, who were not identified, added that Ong appeared to be only keen to sell financial assets to Ms Fang.


Mitchell Ong is really a lowlife. Could he not have found other ways to get money to sustain his ridiculous lavish lifestyle? :rolleyes::mad::FU: