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Pity Audrey Fong, already died horribly but Singapore 100% certified real news Straits Times continues to milk her for readership



S’porean Audrey Fang who was killed in Spain knew suspect for over 10 years​



SINGAPORE – Singaporean Audrey Fang, who was killed in Spain in April, had been romantically interested in her suspected killer Mitchell Ong, whom she met on a social dating network, her two friends told the Spanish court.


He told the media that Ms Fang had revealed to her friends that she was in a relationship with Ong. She also told them she was planning to meet him in Spain during her holiday.


SINGAPORE – Singaporean Audrey Fang, who was killed in Spain in April, had been romantically interested in her suspected killer Mitchell Ong, whom she met on a social dating network, her two friends told the Spanish court.

He told the media that Ms Fang had revealed to her friends that she was in a relationship with Ong. She also told them she was planning to meet him in Spain during her holiday.

She loved a married man?

Bad New Brown

There are many losers (men or women) that look good on surface but we don't know if their life is in a financial mess. So, when we are choosing people always take an extra precaution as to really know and understand them well first.