firstly, pap wont allow it as it means they become completely useless
more importantly malaysia will tell us to fuck off, maybe, maybe johore will say ok but power lies in KL
you guys better make plans, this rental economy and country is sinking
Singapore is doom unless it join back Malaysia
i suggest we merge with China or India, they have undisputed highest potentialWhy not join Indonesia that is a true big hinterland?
Indonesia is a G20 country, has a much bigger natural resources, local market and political clouts than Malaysia.
If really need to merge, we will merge with the highest potenital candidate
Pinoy kia better off giving advice to his own useless country lah
i suggest we merge with China or India, they have undisputed highest potential
Many have already became PR or shitziens here as they can't stand their own slum land. What were they talking about Singapore survival?Pinoy kia better off giving advice to his own useless country lah
real threat is from ccp. sg already blocked 9 sites with sinkie themes related to sg, and all 9 are originated and sponsored by ccp. 1 russkie fsb sponsored site kena blocked.
emigrate to where?Nope. Malaysia wouldn't touch toxic neighbour Singapore.
Malaysia will eventually succeed and will return the favour then.
MIGRATE you idiots serfs or you'll slow boiled by PAP.
Many are PR here?emigrate to where?
Migration is easier by marrying foreigners otherwise no country will accept sinkies easilyemigrate to where?