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Pinoy Teacher last warning to Singapore to save ourselves


firstly, pap wont allow it as it means they become completely useless
more importantly malaysia will tell us to fuck off, maybe, maybe johore will say ok but power lies in KL
you guys better make plans, this rental economy and country is sinking


Alfrescian (Inf)
firstly, pap wont allow it as it means they become completely useless
more importantly malaysia will tell us to fuck off, maybe, maybe johore will say ok but power lies in KL
you guys better make plans, this rental economy and country is sinking

It will probably come to the point when it is not up to the PAP technocrats what they want or like. :cool:

Let's see where the geopolitical chips in this region fall. :wink:


Why not join Indonesia that is a true big hinterland?

Indonesia is a G20 country, has a much bigger natural resources, local market and political clouts than Malaysia.

If really need to merge, we will merge with the highest potenital candidate


A more good plan is simply ASEAN single market integration like EU, we by pass integration with Malaysia and jitao merge into a single market with entire ASEAN and drive for greater benefits


Why not join Indonesia that is a true big hinterland?

Indonesia is a G20 country, has a much bigger natural resources, local market and political clouts than Malaysia.

If really need to merge, we will merge with the highest potenital candidate
i suggest we merge with China or India, they have undisputed highest potential