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phucked up prc


lousy race

absolute disgrace

no wonder all others that tiongs claim to have spawned such as japs gooks viets taiwanese stinky chinks jiuhu chinks etc also tend to be pathetic lousy losers and inferior

after more than 40 years of incredible chhhhhyyyyynnnnaaaa speeeeed, they can't even defeat dissuade block parry away a yankee civilian/transport aircraft carrying a yankee politician to taiwanese i.e. slanty territory

it's as good as saying if tomorrow they visit beijing or shanghai uninvited tions won't do anything for fear of going to war

yes, tiongs (an inferior race of slanties known as chinks, which also include stinkies) suffer from a mortal fear of yanks

no matter how much you or anybody else twist and turn and try to spread propaganda and deflect attention, fact remains tiongkok was owned badly by a smaller country i.e. 4x smaller (<25% of its population) in its own turf with a slanty majority popn living there while the smaller country arrived from 10k km away.

pathetic lousy losers.

genetically inferior copycat freaks.

a natural resource driven country where the natural resource is population

take away its only natural resource, and even zimbabwe and zambia would have easily outperformed this lousy pathetic inferior genetically deficient race of monkeys


and no matter how much anybody tries to spin this propaganda, fact remains no other country or race probably could successfully replicate stinkypura experience of the first 30 years. none. not in the last 200 years since dawn of industrial revolution.

as simple as that.

even other slanties have failed. and all this while stinkypura is a fake country, a country of coolies peasants prostitutes rickshaw pullers opium addicts night soil collectors porters stevedores errandboys fishermen boatmen and such. an eminent scholar explained his observation thus

Most of the local population, however, did not benefit commensurately from the increase in foreign economic activity. Many Singaporeans were employed as lowly paid rickshaw pullers:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:, boatmen, fishermen or market gardeners. These coolies lived in shophouses, often in crammed and squalid conditions. A domestic economy sprang up within the community, with vendors and artisans offering a panoply of services ranging from street food to haircuts. Opium dens and prostitute houses proliferated.


to provide some context i'd like to quote my earlier comments

fact is no country on Earth has managed to change, transform from a backwater, backward country to an advanced one capable of doing numerous complicated tasks all within a short span of 3 decades except stinkypura even while stinkypura is the lousiest country and most overhyped country possibly in entire planet in view of its dire lack of talents and notable achievements, exceptional performers and such in all disciplines and fields I can think of


absolutely none

even as a nation of coolies peasants prostitutes whores harlots rickshaw pullers

with no heritage no history no talent no intelligence no brains no martial artists not good at sports not good at business not good at anything requiring intellect or brains.

let's recap what stinkypura has done (selected examples, many more can be provided)

1. biggest hard disk manufacturer in the world, in the past
2. one of the biggest, one of the most advanced microchip fabricators under own brand (chartered semi) in the world with a teeny tiny native popn (less than 3 million even today, not counting foreign born twats granted sh*ttyzenship).

e.g. chartered licensed its advanced logic process technology to tiongkok leader SMIC some 2 decades ago, to this day, tiongkok can't catch up with world's leading TSMC . to this day. with a population that's greater than any other country on earth, with a population that's greater than any other continent on earth outside asia, with a population that's greater than all western countries combined.

3. used to manufacture displays, got display fabs
4. used to manufacture cars donkey years ago
5. used to assemble/manufacture airframes of (turbopropeller?) airplanes back in WWII times
6. used to manufacture diesel engines (sth turkish donkeys to this day, with a population abt 15 times as big as stinkypura today, and probably about 25 times as big as stinkypura if we compare only locally born popn, can not do)

more over stinkypura owned company like hong leong asia owns/operates one of tiongkok's largest diesel engine (weichai) (yuchai) companies, and stinkypura owned lousy company like hoe leong used to supply parts to not only diesel engine manufacturers (such parts as crank shafts camshafts etc) but also to mining construction and other industrial equipment manufacturing companies.

7. vaccines, pharma, API - development and production of pharmaceutical products, manufacture of active pharmaceutica ingredients took place in stinkypura
8. from simple ships in early years to complicated oil rigs, fpso, and marine and offshore engineering products, that were once dominated by stinkypura owned (govt owned) keppel and sembcorp marine in the past. all done and dusted. but all in the past, of coz.

9. stinkypura is an infamous datacentre hub for ang moh kia coys in ASEAN region and of coz in asia pacific region. you can imagine all sorst of nasty things stinkypura pap-piglets can do and indeed all the data they have access to. very dangerous.

10. finally, it has reached its ultimate destination of being an infamous money laundering, tax evasion, human trafficking hub.

i didn't bother with other products like other types of electronics parts and components, chemicals industry, food & beverage, steel plants (existed in the past), medical devices and too many other things done in stinkypura all within a short span of 3 decades, with a native population that is less than 3 million to this day.

i can't think of any other country on Earth which, in the span of such a short period of time, transformed so rapidly from a backward turd world backwater to a country capable of completing complicated projects even though it remains a nation of coolies peasants prostitutes whores harlots rickshaw pullers

with no heritage no history no talent no intelligence no brains no martial artists not good at sports not good at business not good at anything requiring intellect or brains.
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and fact also remains if we expect any other country to replicate stinkypura experience on a bigger scale, it will fail.

even their fellow slanties have failed, repeatedly, to do the same. anywhere. on planet earth, there does not exist a bigger stinkypura that within a short span of 3 decades was able to transform so rapidly

for crying out loud, turkish donkeys to this day can't even build a simple diesel engine which stinkypura offered to build to build for ASEAN industrial project called AIP some 4-5 decades ago (with a popn of what? 2.5 million?)

and lousy stinkypura companies like hong leong asia own and operate one of largest tiong diesel/combustion engine companies (yuchai, not weichai, it should be yuchai) (weichai) while anotehr lousy pathetic stinkypura coy hoe leong used to supply parts to lots of international brands of engine manufacturers, construction equipment, mining equipment etc companies (incl such parts as crankshafts camshafts etc).

it probably has no parallel in the last 200 years since Industrial Revolution took effect

exactly nowhere has this experiment succeeded. and in fact, under eunuch loong stinkypura has receded by all means, which means even in stinkypura this project has met failure with change of guards.

like it or hate it, transformation from a backwards backwater to an advanced country in a span of 3 decades is unmatched by any race, any where on earth, period. not even their fellow slanties can match up to that.

ppl may bring up taiwan or gooks. they are more successful in following ways (at least)

1 more democratic
2 got more talents, better media, more domestic brands, some athletes sportspersons etc
3. more space scenery multiple cities etc

in almost every other index, in real life not just in paper, they fared worse than stinkypura.

what took stinkypura 3 decades to accomplish, they could accomplish in 6 decades.

starting from 1950s for southern gooks after korean war. and from 1945 (or before world war II ended) for taiwanese.

so yeah even their fellow slanties could not transform as quickly as rapidly as successfully. and as we have seen, in stinkypura itself, the experiement has failed with change of guard. so we can safely say, it has no parallel in last 200 years perhaps since dawn of industrial revolution.

proof that stinkypura has regressed?

look up the thread titled "crumbling of stinkypura"



tiongs have been an absolute disgrace

an utter failure

a pathetic joke of a country

utterly idiotic to take any claim of any donkey - whether yankee stinky or tiongs/chinky - that says tiongs are part of G2, or russkies are vassals of tiongs, or russkies are de facto junior partners of tiongs or such

russkies have proven - on the ground, on battlefield - they are not just stronger, but orders of magnitude stronger than tiongkok and only respect and in awe of hard power brought to the battlefield by yankee cowboys

the russkies proved it in syria by helping an unpopular dictator from a minority Alawaite community remain in power against the combined machinations of yankee/zionist/turkish/saudi/emirati/qatari regimes.

yes, the unfortunate syrian victims, who I have no words or ways of explaining their sufferings adequately, deserve better certainly. And they were deprived of the right to their elected popular leadership, I hope their public and others in the Arab countries come to terms with the reality that aligning with kafir yanks in hoping to carry out a revolution is always going to be counterproductive. It will never work. Get it through your head. I mean, yanks are revolutionaries? Seriously?

When syrian opposition aligned with yanks in order to topple Assad, I hope by now you know what would happen if you do align with yankees to conduct revolutions. they have a habit of betraying their so called allies.

as i was saying, russkies proved themselves on the battlefield multiple times, far more than tiongs certainly or turks or zionists certainly.

e.g. right as we speak, zionists attack tiny gaza and innocent civilians with full backing of both russkies and yankees (that's how zionist terrorist regime tends to survive just for the record, the pretense, the show that russkies traditionally have put up of opposing zionists is a charade). but that's the most they can do.

they can't even dare to open fire on cairo or alexandria.

no question of attacking istanbul or izmir.

tehran or tabriz, isfahan or bushehr is out of the picture.

so in that regard, russkies have proven themselves much more capable than zionist terrorists.

similarly, turkey under erdogan may shout a lot but it's proven utterly incapable of attacking a single kafir country or political entity

against zionist terrorists, it did nothing after mavi marmara attacks where zionist terrorists killed 9 or so turks

against greeks, they have been threatening for years but they dare not take action

against russkies in syria or yankees in syria, again, they dare not take action.

what's the most they can do?

they attack some middle eastern "secular" (actually communist/marxist radical) pkk/sdf/kurdish rebels who are basically agents of zionist jews and yanks.

to the kuffar, it does not make any difference.

you dare not even fight against the kuffar jews and christians, what does it matter to them so long as the "action" is restricted to Iraq Syria Palestine Yemen and other Arab countries.

as for why Arabs suffer despite Egypt - for example- being as numerous as Iran or Turkey alone, I think IQ, Race and Inventiveness explains it all.

a quick look at the map reveals that all Arab countries are close to nagger countries, they intermixed with negroes as we have seen suudi clown prince is a full on nagger and a subhuman son of a nigger.


a quick look at the map explains it. iran turkey afghanistan caucasus are more caucasoid, spared negro admixtures. arabs are dragged down by negro genes and negro admixture. they are well and truly sand niggers.

of these countries afghanistan caucasus regions have suffered tremendously in last few decades, under occupation invasion by kuffar countries who committed numerous indescribable crimes. they are extremely tiny countries and regions not even with 100 million or 200 million people, so just too small to amount to much of a power in anything.

with iran and turkey, as explained before, teeny tiny populations of just laughably small 80 million (which they for some inexplicable reason describe as huuuuuuuge) and mediocre IQ and low inventiveness, you get what you expect. nothing extraordinary. for them, getting listed as the 4th, 8th, 10th, 15th, 20th or 25th country to achieve some feat is considered a miracle or sign of greatness. utterly mediocre bunch. the theory of IQ, Race and Inventiveness predicts them well enough.
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969 years of the wan’an bridge in fuckien province just went up in flames. looks like prc is destroying its own heritage. truly phucked up.
View attachment 155478

that's called cultural revolution

another contradiction

1. they claim tiongkok is the only/oldest continuous civilization left on earth
2. despite carrying out cultural revolution which wiped out all remnants of their culture and civilization, if we can call them that, they also claim to be the oldest continuous civilization on Earth. At the same time, they say they are ruled by a communisty party which is just copy-paste of european jew invented marxist communist leninst BS, totally discredited BS.

Which one is it?

socialiist/communist paradise whose whole governing philosophy is a copy-paste job from gayropeans?
or oldest continuing civilization that underwent cultural revolution and had it all erased but still somehow, for some inexplicable reasons, is still the oldest continuing civilization?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wouldn't allow the Tiongs on board a bus to go to a toilet during lockdown, so a bucket was provided for them to pee and poo. :biggrin:



Wouldn't allow the Tiongs on board a bus to go to a toilet during lockdown, so a bucket was provided for them to pee and poo. :biggrin:

they are trying to be come stinkypura

except it's stinkypura from 60-70 years ago they're trying to match


Shitty China is exporting crime syndicates and gangs to Cambodia/ Burma to scam, kidnap and harvesting organs


Alfrescian (Inf)
China , a country run by morons..LOL doing covid test on steel!!


You don't understand, they get money for every Covid test done. So do as many tests as possible. Vegetables, farm animals etc. :biggrin:

This is the kind of fucked up country which should have never been brought into the WTO. :cool:



Another US delegation in Taiwan. More oil burning for CCP.PLA soon :roflmao:

Taiwans Präsidentin Tsai Ing-wen mit der Gruppe unter Leitung des Gouverneurs von Indiana, Eric J. Holcomb | AP

Drei Wochen nach Pelosi-Besuch Erneut US-Delegation in Taiwan​

Stand: 22.08.2022 07:55 Uhr
In Taiwan ist erneut eine US-Delegation eingetroffen - es ist der zweite Besuch einer solchen Abordnung binnen einer Woche. Vor drei Wochen hatte der Besuch der US-Spitzenpolitikerin Pelosi für massive Spannungen mit China gesorgt.
Trotz der Spannungen mit China hat erneut eine US-Delegation die Inselrepublik Taiwan besucht. Taiwans Präsidentin Tsai Ing-wen empfing die Gruppe unter Leitung des Gouverneurs von Indiana, Eric J. Holcomb.
Bei dem Treffen rief Tsai dazu auf, die gegenseitigen Beziehungen weiter zu stärken. Taiwan werde militärisch von China bedroht. "In diesem Moment müssen demokratische Verbündete zusammenstehen und die Zusammenarbeit in allen Bereichen fördern", sagte Tsai.

Besuch war nicht angekündigt​

Holcomb war am Sonntag zu dem zuvor nicht angekündigten Besuch in Taipeh eingetroffen. Der Gouverneur versprach, dass Indiana weiterhin am Ausbau einer strategischen Partnerschaft mit Taiwan arbeiten werde. Er freue sich auf zukünftige Kooperationen.
Erst vergangene Woche waren fünf Kongressabgeordnete unter Leitung des demokratischen Senators Ed Markey nach Taiwan gereist. Der Besuch erfolgte knapp zwei Wochen nach dem heftigen Streit mit Peking um die Reise der Vorsitzenden des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, nach Taiwan.

Fünf US-Parlamentarier stehen auf dem Flughafen von Taipeh | EPA
Delegation des US-Kongresses Weitere US-Politiker besuchen Taiwan
Kurz nach dem Besuch von US-Spitzenpolitikerin Pelosi ist eine Delegation des US-Kongresses nach Taiwan gereist.

Die kommunistische Führung sieht die Insel als Teil der Volksrepublik an, lehnt offizielle Kontakte anderer Länder zu Taipeh entschieden ab und droht sogar mit einer Eroberung. Taiwan hingegen versteht sich als unabhängig.

Manöver nach Besuch Pelosis​

Nach den Besuch Pelosis hatte Peking großangelegte Manöver um Taiwan aufgenommen. Dabei wurden unter anderem eine See- und Luftblockade sowie eine mögliche Eroberung geübt. Auch wurden elf ballistische Raketen gestartet, von denen eine erstmals direkt über Taiwan unweit der Hauptstadt flog. Es war die größte militärische Machtdemonstration seit Jahrzehnten.

Weiterer US-Politiker besucht Taiwan​

Lena Stadler, ARD Washington, 22.8.2022 · 07:12 Uhr


Another US delegation in Taiwan. More oil burning for CCP.PLA soon :roflmao:

Taiwans Präsidentin Tsai Ing-wen mit der Gruppe unter Leitung des Gouverneurs von Indiana, Eric J. Holcomb | AP

Drei Wochen nach Pelosi-Besuch Erneut US-Delegation in Taiwan​

Stand: 22.08.2022 07:55 Uhr
In Taiwan ist erneut eine US-Delegation eingetroffen - es ist der zweite Besuch einer solchen Abordnung binnen einer Woche. Vor drei Wochen hatte der Besuch der US-Spitzenpolitikerin Pelosi für massive Spannungen mit China gesorgt.
Trotz der Spannungen mit China hat erneut eine US-Delegation die Inselrepublik Taiwan besucht. Taiwans Präsidentin Tsai Ing-wen empfing die Gruppe unter Leitung des Gouverneurs von Indiana, Eric J. Holcomb.
Bei dem Treffen rief Tsai dazu auf, die gegenseitigen Beziehungen weiter zu stärken. Taiwan werde militärisch von China bedroht. "In diesem Moment müssen demokratische Verbündete zusammenstehen und die Zusammenarbeit in allen Bereichen fördern", sagte Tsai.

Besuch war nicht angekündigt​

Holcomb war am Sonntag zu dem zuvor nicht angekündigten Besuch in Taipeh eingetroffen. Der Gouverneur versprach, dass Indiana weiterhin am Ausbau einer strategischen Partnerschaft mit Taiwan arbeiten werde. Er freue sich auf zukünftige Kooperationen.
Erst vergangene Woche waren fünf Kongressabgeordnete unter Leitung des demokratischen Senators Ed Markey nach Taiwan gereist. Der Besuch erfolgte knapp zwei Wochen nach dem heftigen Streit mit Peking um die Reise der Vorsitzenden des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, nach Taiwan.

Fünf US-Parlamentarier stehen auf dem Flughafen von Taipeh | EPA
Delegation des US-Kongresses Weitere US-Politiker besuchen Taiwan
Kurz nach dem Besuch von US-Spitzenpolitikerin Pelosi ist eine Delegation des US-Kongresses nach Taiwan gereist.

Die kommunistische Führung sieht die Insel als Teil der Volksrepublik an, lehnt offizielle Kontakte anderer Länder zu Taipeh entschieden ab und droht sogar mit einer Eroberung. Taiwan hingegen versteht sich als unabhängig.

Manöver nach Besuch Pelosis​

Nach den Besuch Pelosis hatte Peking großangelegte Manöver um Taiwan aufgenommen. Dabei wurden unter anderem eine See- und Luftblockade sowie eine mögliche Eroberung geübt. Auch wurden elf ballistische Raketen gestartet, von denen eine erstmals direkt über Taiwan unweit der Hauptstadt flog. Es war die größte militärische Machtdemonstration seit Jahrzehnten.

Weiterer US-Politiker besucht Taiwan

Lena Stadler, ARD Washington, 22.8.2022 · 07:12 Uhr

yankee cowboys totally owned lousy tiongs with their infamous ccchhhyyyynnna spppppppeeeeeed


they sent more politicians to taiwan giving no face to tiongs

tiongs totally lost face

to think tiongs cant secure its own territory against a single country, with 4x lower population, that arrives from 10,000 km away, tiongs must be the biggest failure in human history!!!!

the biggest country in human history that has failed and failed, repeatedly, against a 4x times smaller country in population that arrives from more than 10,000 km away

while in foreign country ukraine, russkies with a population that is 9x or close to 10x smaller than tiongkok, managed to invade and occupy fighting proxy war against all of nato incl europe and yanks. just one russkie threat was enough so NONE of them dared to send their troops under their own flags (only disguised as volunteers, that too in small numbers) to "defend sovereign, independent country Ukraine"