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Close. Wow! you really can track location of connection...Are you near Hua Chiew?
Close. Wow! you really can track location of connection...Are you near Hua Chiew?
Close. Wow! you really can track location of connection...
OK... During my time in Toronto, in winter if we're lucky, temperatures would hover around -5 degrees. I hear friends telling me that Edmonton is about -13. Everywhere in Canada is bitter cold during winter and that is why I am appreciating the weather where I am now.Cold is relative lah.
There are seasons here. So it is not cold freezing all year round lah.
Also the dry cold is less cold than wet cold in Vancouver..
An example i would give is how you feel when you get out of swimming pool all wet or out of shower vs when you jusr take off shirt and body is dry. Same temp.
OK... still very impressive.Only in real time. Once you disconnect no logs are kept.
So Sam will know where we all login from.
@Leongsam what about those who use VPN? Will you be able to see through the VPN?
Actually I am more surprised by the number of punjabis in Vancouver. The bayis..Your relative's restaurant is what kind of cuisine?
Yes. That's where the market is. Lots of Asians.
But that's food lah. As you know there are pros and cons living where lots of asians are.
I actually think Vancouver probably very similar to SG and HK. Lots of Asians. Expensive housing. Flashy sports cars.
I wonder what people do for work though. Realtors? Lol!
Actually it does have a affect on your stay... Getting up from bed in the morning during winter is tough and you get tired of piling on clothes just to get out of the house to drive to get food far away. Everything is so far away.Actually in the prairies if rhe weather doesnt drop to below -20 it is actually quite nice.
-5 in calgary is actually quite warm. I know manh dont believe me. But yiu have to live here to understand.
I canmot tahan sg weather hot and humid all year round no change.
If you like sg weather thats good. For me i find it unbearable.
In calgaty if we have +30 degree day it is heat warning already. Thankfully we only have a handful of those days usually iin a season. Same with winter -30 degree days handful.
Weather changes a lot in prairiesm can be rainy. Then cool and sunny. Then hot hot. Hail. Tornado usually in flat prairie areas. Thunderstorms. I can understand why some people dont like it too.
Imprtant if you like hot humid then sg definitly very ok.
I remember i went back sg 2015. Wah lau. I went ot bathe. Then go aircon room. Then went to the wardrobe area which is next to the aircon compreasors and not aircon it was like a sauna! Sweat all over within minutes! I dont like.
But thia is discussion on weather alone which i think is not really the main reason people choose to live anywhere alone.
I can tell that chances of you using a VPN are very low because the IP reflects your actual Canadian ISP and not a known VPN network.No wonder jw5 wont believe that i am in Canada. Probably thinks i use VPN.
I am no IT person lah. From my posts have you ever read me posting anything technical that is IT in nature? I know nuts about it. I dont use VPN.
So what does my Canadian ISP say? SHAW Communications?
Not ASEAN region...its singkies that seldom start a biz..they prefer being professionals..In 2016 i visited Quebec and Toronto. We went to the so called good asian restaurants in Montreal amd found the food sucked. Lol!
Toronto was better. All chinese restaurant.
Didnt see any like SG Malaysian type cuisine.
The Banana Leaf Tropical here in Calgary has Malaysian food. Roti Canai which is the closest to roti prata we can find. Laksa (their laksa not like sg nonya one). Chicken rice.....now i have yet to go to a restaurant and have good chicken rice. All their so called hainanese chicken rice sucks.
There is another outlet called Tropical Delights which is a small take out shop in Hidden Valley in Calgary. Run by Brunei immigrants. Again the food cannot lah. I dunno why but the laksa always is too watery and spicy no coconut milk very oily. And when they fry kway teow no wok hei. Same goes for the curry for the roti canai
Interestingly we have found some chinese restaurants able to do fried rice noodlea (flat) that turns out a flavoruful variation of Char Kway Teow
Pad thai is another possibility.
If you want something asian in western country i would suggest Vietnamese. The Pho and subs usually good lah.
My guess is immigrants from our ASEAN region tend to be professionals not cooks or restaurateurs. But out of necessity they turn to running F&B. Not many also. Most go do professional white collar work eventually.
Whereas with Vietnamese i am sure many among the boat people were really good cooks running away for their lives. Then setup and passed down the recipes to their children
So vietnamese food always got a standard. Otherwise they cannot compete.
But yeah. Best sg malaysia food is at my house.
I know you trust the experts. I don't.Don't worry. The kind of research, thought and stringent testing that go into making the vaccines are much more substantial than you think. It makes no sense however way you look at it, either in the business sense or otherwise to be taking risks with people's lives. It does nobody any good. The researchers involved in the vaccine are not the low-IQ type of people that sit behind a keyboard and type nonsense like SOS, Laksaboy and the entire gang of assorted nuts here.![]()
What? If it wasn't for the conspiracies of the big pharmaceuticals, we could have got a cure very early like cow-urine? Yeah right...I know you trust the experts. I don't.
The whole world of physics is teaching Einstein's relativity including the top universities; they are all "high IQ" people in robes giving lectures to students. They are all wrong. There is no E=mc²,... and the atomic bombs "bombed" not because of Einstein's high IQ. I know because I have examined the physics behind Einstein's physics myself. I cannot say the same about covid-19 and the vaccines. Have you yourself studied about the microbiology of virus, etc. You only "trust" the words of some experts. But there are some experts whose views are very different from that of the WHO's. In fact, there is a group of legal experts proposing a charge of "crime against humanity" against WHO for declaring this covid-19 as a pandemic. So who is right?
I don't even agree with Leongsam conceding that the vaccines have made covid-19 less severe; there is no way to know. There is no clinical test possible for any alternative outcome for covid-19. It could well be that if the medical world is not under the monopoly/conspiracies of the BIG PHARM, we could have got a a cure very early like cow-urine, vitamin D, Ivermectine, etc.. and no one would have need to be hospitalized for extra oxygen.
Don't trust man when big money is involved.
"E=mc² Is Wrong"
Chan Rasjid Kah Chew,
Spot on bro.Dont trust when there is big money involved.....hear that quite a lot.
Actually TCM fits the bill. Acupuncture. Very low cost.
I sincerely hope that people who dont believe in the big expensive medical system dont go asking it for help.
I for a fact know that naturopathy is not cheap! In fact very expensive too. How can trust?
Acupuncture is the cheapest. Those needles cost almost nothing. Just the practitioner's time. What about chiro?
Chakral energies? Reiki.
Must be low cost and cheap.
I can think of another. Going to church to ask the priest to pray over you. Free.
There are people who swear it works (those where it worked)
Unfortunately there are still people who dont believe dont trust but somehow still end up in our hospitals....
Dont make life difficult and uncomfortable not only for yourself but for the nurses and doctors. Just stay away from western medicine!
Spot on bro.
You provided me with very useful information on mrna vaccines. Thanks for that.![]()
You attack me out of context: "...I sincerely hope that people who dont believe in the big expensive medical system dont go asking it for help...Dont make life difficult and uncomfortable not only for yourself but for the nurses and doctors. Just stay away from western medicine!"Dont trust when there is big money involved.....hear that quite a lot.
Actually TCM fits the bill. Acupuncture. Very low cost.
I sincerely hope that people who dont believe in the big expensive medical system dont go asking it for help.
I for a fact know that naturopathy is not cheap! In fact very expensive too. How can trust?
Acupuncture is the cheapest. Those needles cost almost nothing. Just the practitioner's time. What about chiro?
Chakral energies? Reiki.
Must be low cost and cheap.
I can think of another. Going to church to ask the priest to pray over you. Free.
There are people who swear it works (those where it worked)
Unfortunately there are still people who dont believe dont trust but somehow still end up in our hospitals....
Dont make life difficult and uncomfortable not only for yourself but for the nurses and doctors. Just stay away from western medicine!
You attack me out of context: "...I sincerely hope that people who dont believe in the big expensive medical system dont go asking it for help...Dont make life difficult and uncomfortable not only for yourself but for the nurses and doctors. Just stay away from western medicine!"
Where in my post did I say I don't trust western medicine nor vaccinations as a whole? I only talk about the current situation concerning vaccines and cure for covid-19. Correct me if I am wrong that there are experts whose views on the covid-19 vaccines are at odds even with that of WHO. There was the case of a petition by 12 Singapore doctors who had to "retract" their views. Why?
There will be conspiracies in the world as long as we have man and the need for money. All sciences including medicine in our times form a close network. The peer review system naturally will exclude views that are not in the mainstream. Tell me if I found cow-urine as a magical cure for covid-19, how probable would it be that it would be accepted as a universal treatment for covid-19. I know you as a doctor would insists it is nonsensical to bring out cow-urine as a cure; it is just as "nonsensical" to believe in Allah, yet 1/4 of the world's population believe. So what is your take on this 1/4 of the world's nonsense?
My argument is that the experts views is not always correct. The Chinese has a proverb: "Don't harbor thoughts to harm others, but do entertain thoughts that others may harm you". So I do harbor thoughts that the big pharm may be out to make bigh money with covid-19. Any proof? No.
My conspiracy theory is this: Common on! Lee Hsien Loong(adviced by the experts) spent a billion dollars and built this facility using proton beams to treat cancer! I have no words to describe this except - money, and it is money, and it is money to be made! Tell me good doctor where is the proof that proton beams can be of help - peer review? Common on Dear Good Doctor!
Chan Rasjid.
The same for vaccine takers. There are some who feel it's only fair that those who reject vaccines be charged to pay out of pocket should they get COVID19 and be hospitalized.Case in point i have seen covid deniers anti maskers arguing with covid realists and pro maskers.
The pro maskers tell the anti maskers since they dint believe in covid and dont wear masks then if they get sick please dont go to the hospital.
The anti maskees reply is they pay taxes and no one should deny their right to healthcate whenever they need it.
Like it or not all these people with conspiracy theories disbelief suspicion anger disdain when they sick and dying .....will go to the hospital lah.