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Serious People's Action Party Biennial Party Conference . 11 Nov 18

Kee Chew


11 nov 2018

The ruling People's Action Party holds its biennial party conference, where cadre members will pick the next central executive committee (CEC), the party's decision-making body.

Kee Chew

SINGAPORE: It is an all-white affair that takes place once every two years:

Over a thousand men and women congregate for the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) conference, where they will elect the party’s top decision-making body, take stock of its performance thus far and chart the party’s path forward.

However, unlike previous conferences, the one to be held later this year .11 nov 2018. is set to hold added significance:

For the first time, the identity of the man who will eventually become the next chief of the PAP — and in all likelihood, the Republic’s next Prime Minister — is expected to become clearer to Singaporeans through the party’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) election. Read more at


Kee Chew

Tin PeiLing for SG! :tongue::tongue::tongue:


Fake News:

heard from the ground that 2 challengers will arise for the Party's Top Post.

Khaw will be out from the Chairman post.

PM Lee just hung on to it.

stay tuned for more Fake news...


Alfrescian (Inf)
head shaker seat warmer to be officially appointed by cec and revealed to sinkie pubic.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
As a party cadre, I would be attending the conference. Any wishlist from samsters? My vote could influence the course of Singapore's history.


As a party cadre, I would be attending the conference. Any wishlist from samsters? My vote could influence the course of Singapore's history.

Please vote one of the grandkids into the CEC. I rather have a 3rd Lee than general head shaker.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If you don't mind, please nominate and vote for Miss Tin. Singapore needs a female PM. :biggrin:

I would be voting for Bro Chun Sing to be asst Sec General. But I would play certain cards close to my chest in case there are unexpected turn of events.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
I would be voting for Bro Chun Sing to be asst Sec General. But I would play certain cards close to my chest in case there are unexpected turn of events.
Why do you address him as Bro? Machiam like cell group meeting ah? Shouldn't it be Comrade Chun Sing? :biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why do you address him as Bro? Machiam like cell group meeting ah? Shouldn't it be Comrade Chun Sing? :biggrin:

We are brothers-in-arms who fight alongside for the sake of sinkies in both the SAF and in the labour movement NTUC. We address each others as 'brothers' or bros.