This is the type of doctor i only trust:
They dont teach this in medical school. One needs to do a course in clinical Nutrition to learn these things.
I did.
I trained under a doctor in Telok Blangah. He has passed away already.
The problem is sinkies are cheap skate. You give them information and talk about coconut oil and olive oil they dont want to pay a cent for consult.
So how? Clinic still got to pay rent. Pay bills. Pay salaries.
Sell oil? Of course not. At least in Singapore doctors are allowed to sell products from clinic. So sell supplements. But sinkies will complain expensive.
Health care is full of problems lah.
Everyone wants their own way.
I learned enough to the point that any patient who came to see me I could just go with whatever they wanted. You want me treat you using Nutrition ok. You want me treat you using supplements ok. You want me treat you using medicine ok. You want me treat you using TCM acupuncture ok. Only Chinese herbs I did not study.
But there are also those patients who crazy one. They dunno what they want but know they want neither of the above. They want jesus lay hands on them and say you are cured.