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Pakistan moderate muslim tries to kidnap chio bu Hindu teen, convert her to Islam, marry her, murders her when she resists




The man accused of murdering the 18-year-old Hindu girl in Pakistan’s Sindh province wanted to marry her after he converted her to Islam, a media report said.
The Daily Pakistan reports said that the accused who was identified as Wahid Bux Lashari wanted to marry Pooja Kumari after converting her to Islam. On the day of the incident, Lashari broke into Kumari’s house in Ghotki city of Sukkur district in an attempt to abduct her.
However, he got enraged after she showed resistance and opened fire on her, leaving the girl dead on the spot, the report said. Police said that the prime suspect has been arrested and he has confessed to his crime….
“Pooja Kumari, resisting kidnapping, murdered in Rohri, Sindh,” by Nikhil Chandwani, NYK Daily, March 22, 2022:

In Pakistan, an 18-year-old Sindhi-Hindu girl, Pooja Kumari (Oad), was shot dead in Rohi, Sukkur, following a failed abduction attempt by radical extremists.
According to Regional Sindhi media, the girl was shot in the middle of the street after she put up resistance against her attackers….

syed putra

In a islamic mind, murdering her may for love may get her redempted in the next life. Its very complicated but thats how they think.
Hence honour killings etc.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why not just convert her with his penis? Once she has been penetrated, she's yours. 生米煮成熟饭