What do NMP and NCMP stands for?
Not really an MP??
Not Considered a real MP? LOL!![]()
NMP - NahPeh MP
NCMP - NahPeh CheeBye MP
What do NMP and NCMP stands for?
Not really an MP??
Not Considered a real MP? LOL!![]()
Dear Fivestsars, Scroobal, and All Senior Samsters,
I'm also Goh Meng Seng supporter and would-be NSP voter, especially if he contests in Tampines GRC, (but seriously I would prefer him to contest in a single-ward seat as his chances of winning are much higher).
Now, let's get to the point. The NCMP scheme serves the PAP very well in many ways, one of which is to target STRONG Opposition candidates like maybe Kenneth Jeya, and NOT weak candiates who could easily lose their deposits anyway. Take for example, if KJ decides to contest in a single ward seat of Nee Soon Central which is helmed by a non-Minister MP of 67 yrs old.
Obviously, if I were a resident of Nee Soon Central, I would fancy KJ's chances of beating Ong Ah Heng. BUT the PAP people are bound to tell the residents that they should continue to vote PAP to run the town council efficiently, and KJ, being a capable man, can still enter Parliament as NCMP. This NCMP ruse would serve to divert votes from KJ to the PAP , which means that PAP would be able to score a narrow victory over KJ on election day.
LIKEWISE, THE OPPOSTION MUST ALSO BOYCOTT ALL GRC CONTESTS IF NOT ON PRINCIPLE'S GROUND, THEN IT MUST BE FOR THE SAKE OF OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS. Scroobal, pls take note I'm not asking for complete boycott of GE. Sure, the USA and other European powers can't be bothered with S'pore's lack of democracy as long as the PAP gives them what they want. BUT what I'm targetting at are the Sinkapore voters who would,hopefully, clamour for MORE single-ward seats to be made available in future General elections. Now we only have 12 single seats for the upcoming GE. Imagine if our Opposition decided to do a boycott of all GRCs, the pressure will deifinitely bear on the PAP to create more single seats because LKY's pride in Singapore as a first-world country would be badly hurt in the eyes of the world.
NCMP. This NCMP ruse would serve to divert votes from KJ to the PAP , which means that PAP would be able to score a narrow victory over KJ on election day.
Dear Fivestsars, Scroobal, and All Senior Samsters,
I'm also Goh Meng Seng supporter and would-be NSP voter, especially if he contests in Tampines GRC, (but seriously I would prefer him to contest in a single-ward seat as his chances of winning are much higher).
Dear Fivestsars, Scroobal, and All Senior Samsters,
I'm also Goh Meng Seng supporter and would-be NSP voter, especially if he contests in Tampines GRC, (but seriously I would prefer him to contest in a single-ward seat as his chances of winning are much higher).
But I never hear that Goh Meng Seng want to down grade to contest single ward. GRCs is the Post 65 Singaporean as a challenge to down PAP not for old uncle like Chiam See Tong. Sorry to say that.
When you talk like this instead of arguing to death the importance of opposition candidates holding grassroot activites, I cannot help but appreciate the points you are making.
Yes, if not even one Opposition candidate is elected, NCMP should not be accepted to create illusion of having Opposition in Parliament.
What do you expect the opposition candidate to do for the residents before he is elected?Rejecting NCMP scheme/boycotting GRC contests and working hard at grassroots level are 2 different issues altogether. If you chose to contest in a GRC or a single ward, you MUST make a serious effort to do something for the residents. Just merely making grandiose speeches at election time or issuing challenges to Mahboro Tan to TV debates are NOT good enough to win votes nowadays. Remember, all winning candidates MUST be able to run a town council efficiently. In the good old days of 1988 or before, if you have the gift of the gab like Francis Seow or Lim Chin Siong, you could easily beat a weak PAP candidate. Not anymore, my friend.
As for GMS himself, I think it's better for him to do more and talk less, especially he stumbled badly in the recent TV discussion. Do you guys honestly think that Maboro Tan is afraid of GMS after what had happened on TV??
Hullo, WHY do u consider contesting in single wards as a downgrade???
On the contrary, GMS as the LEADER of NSP should go for single-ward seats so that his chances of winning are far higher. Nothing to do with post-65 Sinkies or old uncles!
What do you expect the opposition candidate to do for the residents before he is elected?
Previously, weren't you the one who said that GMS should donate the proceeds from any potential sale of his flat to the Tampines residents? We asked you whether the current mps and ministars should also donate their salaries but you didn't answer. So can we have your answer now?
Hullo, when did I ask GMS to donate his HDB proceeds to Tampines residents?? I said he can consider using his proceeds to help organise grassroots activities for the residents!! But even if GMS were to use his HDB proceeds to set up a charity fund for needy Tampines residents, what's wrong with it?? Residents will definitely be IMPRESSED by GMS' kind gesture and GMS may win more votes as a result. REMEMBER, THIS IS ALL ABOUT WINNING THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF THE VOTERS! Why should we bother about what Mahboro Tan does to his million-dollar salary??
Haven't we also told you before that the opposition candidate can only tell the residents what he willl do if elected? And if he gets elected and fails to keep his promises, that they will vote him out the next time?
Seriously, what do you expect the opposition candidates to do now in their personal capacity? They are not public officers, they have no official job or standing in the constituency, are you expecting them to donate their personal funds or offer them free services?
Dear elephanto,
If you chose to contest in a GRC or a single ward, you MUST make a serious effort to do something for the residents. Just merely making grandiose speeches at election time or issuing challenges to Mahboro Tan to TV debates are NOT good enough to win votes nowadays. Remember, all winning candidates MUST be able to run a town council efficiently.
Bro, you are too idealistic and you seem to struggle reconciling the concepts and he logic behind it.
1) Town Councils by MPs were introduced by the PAP as an albatross around the neck of opposition candidates to impede their chances. Simple minded people will think that an opposition candidate might not have the means and resources to handle it. Its was never part of the westminster or democratic model. You obviously think that its MPs job to run town councils. MPs job is to represent the people in parliament.
Moderator, if you read my earlier postings, I did say that the introductions of the NCMP scheme, GRC concept and having MPs to run town councils were meant to STRENGTHEN the chances of the PAP in winning elections. That's why in the good old days of the 60s" up till 1988, if you'were a respectable opposition candidate with a gift of the gab like Francis Seow , you could easily beat a weak PAP candidate in a one-on-one contest. OF COURSE I KNOW THAT UNDER THE WESTMINSTER MODEL, AN MP IS NOT SUPPOSED TO RUN A TOWN COUNCIL!
2) Your version and your comments about supporting opposition is exactly what the PAP is looking for - judge opposition candidates by PAP standards. As you know PAP's presence at grassroots level begins with a young child attending PAP kindergarten and the whole neighbourhood is theirs from NTUC taxis to Supermarkets. They have opened up in void facilities that benefit their cause.
Wrong again. This is certainly NOT my version. I'm merely seeing things from an average HDB resident's point of view which has been corrupted by the PAP via constant print & TV/radio media bombardment. Unless Opposition candidates can be VERY CHARISMATIC AND DAMN CONVINCING enough to make residents see that the most important job of an MP is to speak up and defend Sinkies' rights in Parliament, I am afraid every serious opposition candidate must also spend time on grassroot activities to bond with the residents.
3) You spend more time condemning, criticising GMS with very little on PAP than you have in encouring viable opposition support. I can't recall a single instance of support or encouragement. To make it worse, your point about achieving significant involvement in grassroots first is not even tenable.
True, I did criticise GMS, only BECAUSE I think he's spending too much time talking, talking, and talking and he doesn't even have the gift of the gab to begin with! He should be more like Chiam See Tong who was already spending considrable time to cultivate support from Potong Pasir residents before 1984 elections.
4) You have to bear in mind that we have the highest deposit in the world to partake in elections. It only cost about 500 pounds in UK and rest of the world. It therefore is the world's most expensive endeavour in comparative sense.