Today by counting destroyers and frigates the PLA is 10% stronger than US Navy already. And within a matter of short time PLA aircraft carriers and submarines will exceed US Navy strength numbers and performance as well as technological level. The gap is tearing up fast and ferociously, no way Chow Ang Moh could catch up, and will be further and further behind.
英国将再派舰赴南海 被嘲笑:英海军不及中国一个舰队
英国将再派舰赴南海 被嘲笑:英海军不及中国一个舰队

对此,在前天论坛正式开幕之前的青年学者研讨会上,大家熟悉的岛叔、北京大学海洋战略中心执行主任胡波就怒怼回去,“中美在南海议题上的分歧是需要通过协商解决。不过,如果以后中美能有高端战略对话,我希望双方都能保持真正的坦承,不要总搞一些fake news,比如什么中国要控制南海这样的鬼话……”
1。 侠客岛:近期南海问题不断升温,中美双方调门也在不断调高。就在这两天,美军还放出消息,
胡波:总体来看,中国的表现so far so good,显示了一个负责任的大国在军事动作上的严谨和克制。但是反观美方,作为一个域外大国,却不断升级在南海的军事行动,甚至叫嚣要武力解决,使形势变得非常不乐观。
3。 侠客岛:说到“航行自由”,目前中美南海摩擦主要就是围绕它展开的,国际社会对这个概念的理解也有很多不同,您能不能跟我们具体解释一下它的标准和渊源?
其目的就是在公约之外建立另一套规则,以确保美国进入全球海域的自由和军事利益,遏制对其海洋利益有威胁的所谓“过度的海洋主张”(excessive maritime claims)。
4。 侠客岛:如何看待美国为自己辩驳称,此举不针对中国,他们同样在其他国家搞“航行自由”?
Britain will send ships to the South China Sea again. It is laughed at: the British Navy is not as good as a Chinese fleet.
Britain will send ships to the South China Sea again. It is laughed at: the British Navy is not as good as a Chinese fleet.
Greedy and profit-seeking districts: Why did the British-French joint fleet come to Asia-Pacific to feel the presence? 1/25
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On June 5 this year, the domestic media quoted Hong Kong's "South China Morning Post" as saying that French Defense Minister Paley said at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on the 3rd that French and British warships will jointly implement "Freedom of Navigation" in the South China Sea this week. ". The British "Daily Telegraph" also quoted the British Defense Minister Williamson's statement that the United Kingdom will send three warships to the South China Sea, proclaiming the so-called "freedom of navigation." The British and French so sing and reminiscent of the history of the British and French coalition forces. Why did Britain and France once again form a team to smash the South China Sea, how can China respond? In this issue, you will pay attention to the British and French forces in the South China Sea. (View full content search WeChat public number: sinamilnews)
Original title: [Solution] An invisible confrontation on the Beijing Xiangshan Forum
Source: Knight Island
On October 25-26, the 8th Beijing Xiangshan Forum was held.
As one of the most important military and defense forums in the country, there are many points to look at. For example, for the first time, the forum was labeled "Beijing", with the participation of official representatives from 67 countries and 7 international organizations. It is the highest in previous years. For example, the Deputy Minister of the Korean People's Armed Forces, Jin Henglong, attended and published nearly two thousand. The speech of the word has received extensive media attention; the Serbian Defense Minister has angered the Western countries. "Those countries that have led to the 'Arab Spring' have not accepted the refugees themselves, but have asked us to accept the refugees. This is unfair." Call it well.
However, although the atmosphere of the Xiangshan Forum is generally friendly, but it is either clear or dark, the South China Sea issue remains a focus. In particular, some foreign representatives publicly or privately believe that the tension in the South China Sea situation is caused by the construction of Chinese islands and reefs and military deployment.
In this regard, at the seminar of young scholars before the official opening of the forum, the well-known island uncle, Hu Bo, executive director of the Ocean Strategy Center of Peking University, roared back. "The differences between China and the United States on the South China Sea issue need to be resolved through consultation. However, if China and the United States can have a high-end strategic dialogue in the future, I hope that both sides can maintain a true confession. Do not always engage in some fake news, such as what China wants to control such a ghost in the South China Sea..."
It is undeniable that since the beginning of this year, the confrontation between China and the United States on the South China Sea issue has been different from usual in both frequency and intensity. Under this circumstance, is there a possibility of "fire-fighting"? What are the countermeasures for China to face the repeated challenges of the US? Taking advantage of this forum, Xia Kedao interviewed Hu Bodao, and came together to see:
Hubo Island Uncle Hubo Island
1. Chivalrous Island: The South China Sea issue has been heating up recently, and the adjustment of the Chinese and American sides is also constantly increasing. In the past two days, the US military also released news that it will send warships in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea next month to conduct so-called "military operations to demonstrate force." Yesterday morning, Defense Minister Wei Fenghe’s speech was also very tough, said the South China Sea. All the islands can't be lost. How do you view the recent escalation of the actions of China and the United States on the South China Sea issue?
Hu Bo: On the whole, China’s performance is so far so good, showing the rigor and restraint of a responsible big country in military action. However, in contrast, the US side, as a large foreign country, has continuously upgraded its military operations in the South China Sea, and even called for military solutions to make the situation very unoptimistic.
At present, the possibility of conflict in the South China Sea is higher than that of the Taiwan Strait. The current US actions in Taiwan are more strategic and diplomatic, because the United States is very clear that if there is a conflict with China in the Taiwan Strait, the US’s chances of winning are not large. In the South China Sea, the United States believes that China is still strong. At that time, the degree of freedom and flexibility of its military operations was much greater.
Of course, one background is that the United States has put the South China Sea issue on the line in recent years, emphasizing the value of the South China Sea for the US Asia-Pacific strategy and maritime strategy. In the face of China's growing power in the South China Sea, the United States feels that its own advantages are weakening, and the strategic elite is extremely anxious about this.
It is more obvious in terms of action. The United States has already shifted the focus of the Indian military struggle to the South China Sea. Roughly estimated, the actions of the South China Sea have almost consumed 60% of the US military's West Frontier forces; the US warships broke into the 12-nautical mile of China's southern island reefs as many as 10 times a year, and approached the Chinese islands and reefs and the coast for thousands of times. In the South China Sea exercises hundreds of times. In the past one or two years, various battlefield constructions and war drills have been in full swing. Compared with these actions by the US military, China’s military behavior in the South China Sea is a model of professionalism, restraint and civilization.
However, the United States has no specific language about its actions in the South China Sea. It is generally emphasized that the US military has maintained its strength in the South China Sea since the Second World War and has the right to freely enter the world waters including the South China Sea. As a result, most people in the United States, including many experts and scholars, are not sure about the US military's adventurous actions in the South China Sea in the past two years. They also mistakenly believe that the US military is a "just civilized" division.
At the same time, under the "magnifying glass", the United States has made painstaking efforts to release even minor changes in China's island reefs against China's reasonable military operations in the South China Sea and the deployment of large books. In August of this year, Trump signed the 2019 "National Defense Authorization Act", requiring the US Department of Defense to regularly submit reports on China's South China Sea behavior, which will further confuse right and wrong, misleading its domestic people and the international community.
2. Chivalrous Island: Not only the United States, in recent years, American allies have many "provocations" in the South China Sea. Some time ago, the Financial Times reported that the British First Secretary of the Sea, Jones, said that Britain will continue to exercise "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea. What do you think?
Hu Bo: The British participation, in a sense, has the suspicion of "joining the fun", its symbolic significance is greater than the actual meaning. After all, the Royal Navy is not connected, the scale has shrunk dramatically, and it is still not as good as a South China Sea Fleet. Its strength decline is an indisputable fact. In fact, the British also know that they can't change anything in the South China Sea. Its direct purpose is to respond to the questioning of the Royal Navy's "can still eat", to expand the sense of existence, and to respond to the expectation of the United States brother's joint cruise.
Of course, Japan and Australia are particularly concerned about the South China Sea issue, and there are other special logics that are not listed here.
A common feature of the enthusiasm of these countries in the South China Sea is that there is a shadow of the United States behind them.
Why do you say that?
Because although the US’s investment in national defense construction has increased year after year, especially the defense budget of 2019 is historically 716 billion US dollars, as mentioned above, the United States is not satisfied with its current presence in the South China Sea and surrounding areas. Military forces are particularly disturbed by China’s rapidly developing modern military. To this end, the United States not only strives to increase its military deployment in the South China Sea and its surrounding areas, but also plays the role of "薅" allies wool, and makes allies and partners make greater contributions in an effort to maintain and even expand the gap between the Chinese military and the Chinese army. Maintain a dominant position at sea.
3. Chivalrous Island: When it comes to "freedom of navigation", the current Sino-US South Sea friction is mainly around it. The international community has a lot of different understandings of this concept. Can you explain its standards and origins specifically to us?
Hu Bo: At present, there are mainly two common practices in the navigation rules in the territorial sea: one is that the warships of other countries can be passed without any approval, and they can be passed in the territorial sea of their own; the other is the need for approval or notification, international At least 30 countries have explicitly adopted this approach. Among them, the United States and Britain and other countries adopt the first rule, while China adopts the second.
For a long time, because Britain and the United States are more aggressive in public opinion, it seems that their claims are more common, but in fact, these two choices need to be based on their own country, international law and international practices. There is no difference between the two. There is also no saying that one rule is more in line with international law than another.
Specifically to the South China Sea, the Chinese government announced the baseline of the territorial seas of the Xisha Islands as early as May 1996 in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and Adjoining Areas. It is natural to follow the laws of China when entering the Chinese waters. In the Nansha Islands, although China does not divide the territorial sea baseline, it does not mean that there is no territorial waters. The US government also believes that some of the islands and reefs in the South China Sea definitely have 12 nautical miles of territorial waters. Showing off the force within 12 nautical miles of China's control of the island reef, and even taking stimulating actions against the island and reef, this not only undermines China's sovereignty, but also seriously endangers the personal safety of Chinese officers and soldiers on the island and the people.
The so-called freedom of navigation does not exist in the South China Sea. Outside the 12 nautical miles of the island or the baseline of the territorial sea, there is no evidence in the United States that China has impeded the freedom of navigation. The action of China in the vicinity of the sea or the territorial sea at 12 nautical miles is mainly aimed at The provocative actions of the US military, based on international law including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, take legitimate and reasonable countermeasures to safeguard China’s sovereignty, sovereign rights, and the security of military platforms and personnel.
In fact, to take a step back, historically, the "freedom of navigation" was originally "promulgated" by the United States before the signing of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, with the aim of establishing another set of rules outside the Convention. To ensure the freedom and military interests of the United States to enter the global seas, to curb the so-called "excessive maritime claims" that threaten its maritime interests.
4. Chivalrous Island: How do you think that the United States has argued for itself that this move does not target China, and that they also engage in "freedom of navigation" in other countries?
Hu Bo: This is indeed what they often say, and it is also a fact, but we must know that the frequency and intensity of the "freedom of navigation" of the United States in other regions and the "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea are incomparable. It can be said that even in accordance with the US military's own code and tradition, the US military's freedom of navigation in the South China Sea is becoming more and more unprofessional and dangerous.
The most important thing is that most of these actions no longer follow the principle of “innocent passage”, not even the so-called “free navigation”, but rather the naked provocations such as the drowning exercises, high-speed maneuvers, and carrier-based aircraft taking off. Even within the undisputed territorial waters of the Xisha Island reef, the US military has also carried out provocative actions such as "Zigzag" maneuvering and electronic confrontation, posing a huge threat to China's island reef sovereignty and citizen security on China's island reefs.
The so-called "freedom of navigation" of the US military's so-called "freedom of navigation"
5. Chivalrous Island: The current situation continues to increase, is there a possibility of local and small-scale friction in the future? How should we deal with the increasingly tense trend?
Hu Bo: What is more difficult now is that the issue of "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea is a false issue. Its essence is that the United States is increasingly unable to adapt to the growth of China's South China Sea. What is behind it is the plot of geopolitical competition.
When the military presence in the South China Sea was relatively weak, the United States was dominant, but now China’s strength has become more vigorous. The US’s control over the South China Sea has become somewhat incapable. Even in the future, it will have to share power with China, which leads to The United States is highly vigilant against China and strongly resists it.
More importantly, from the current attitude of the US military, many officials have planned to use war as an alternative. Philip Davidson, the current commander of the US military's current headquarters in India, has said many times that "in addition to war, there is no means to prevent China from controlling the South China Sea." This point needs to be highly valued by us.
In addition, the US South China Sea policy is easily confusing. "All the thoughts are business, but the words are all talked about." The so-called freedom of navigation and regional order are largely the packaging of naked power competition. .
It should be said that as long as China's military and scientific and technological strengths have been rising, the friction between such big powers is inevitable. But this kind of friction does not necessarily lead to conflict, depending on whether the two sides, especially the United States, have the wisdom and courage to compromise.
The current situation is that China has always been prepared for dialogue and fighting. However, on the one hand, the United States has underestimated China’s will and determination to defend its sovereignty and sovereign rights. On the other hand, it seems too arrogant and has not done well and done well with China. True questions are prepared for dialogue.
Viewpoint / Hu Bo (Executive Director, Peking University Marine Strategy Center)
Writing / Snow Mountain Fox