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Ong Beng Seng set to be charged on Oct 4 over Iswaran case




syed putra

This is a example of PAP discouraging inter racial cooperation and harmony. Only one race can be allowed to succeed. It has to be sinkie Chinese.

Merl Haggard

Alfrescian (Inf)
At last OBS gets his full retribution and Peter Fu Junior is having his big last laugh.

Peter & Mary Fu's favorite son is Peter Fu Junior. After their passing in 2005 & 2007, OBS fell out with Junior and he eventually had to relinquish
all his shares in Hilton, Four Seasons London & S'pore hotels to him. The 3 hotels were purchased by Peter Fu Senior in the 70's & 80's.

BS was down and out after he lost his job at Haw Par insurance and it was through Peter Fu Senior's influence and financial backing that BS was able to develop himself.

BS is not only starring at jail time; he's down with bone cancer in advance stage.