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On Japs invitation, PLA Type 052D Destroyer will take part in Japanese Naval Day Parade GPGT! Real Friendship meh? 鸿门宴?LJ!

Tony Tan


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2019.10.09 14:29:34

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应日方邀请,经中央军委批准, 7日上午,东部战区海军某驱逐舰支队太原舰从舟山某军港解缆启航,赴日本参加由日本海上自卫队举办的国际舰队阅舰式活动。(海军新闻

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应日方邀请,经中央军委批准, 7日上午,东部战区海军某驱逐舰支队太原舰从舟山某军港解缆启航,赴日本参加由日本海上自卫队举办的国际舰队阅舰式活动。(海军新闻)


Defend the main destroyer! 052D Taiyuan Ship was invited to participate in the Japanese warship style

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2019.10.09 14:29:34

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At the invitation of the Japanese side, with the approval of the Central Military Commission, on the morning of the 7th, the Taiyuan ship of a destroyer detachment of the Eastern Theater Navy demobilized from a military port in Zhoushan and went to Japan to participate in the international fleet read-and-ship activities organized by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. (Navy News

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The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force holds an international fleet read-and-ship type every three to four years. This is the first time the Chinese Navy has participated in the event. The warship will be held in the middle of October in the Sagami Bay area of Tokyo.

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In addition to the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, more than 10 ships from seven national navies including the United States, Britain, India, Australia, Canada, and Singapore will participate in the international fleet review.

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During the period, representatives of the officers and soldiers of the Taiyuan Ship will also conduct military and cultural exchanges with the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces and representatives of the various naval officers and soldiers participating in the activities, such as court visits, ship opening, deck receptions, sports competitions, etc., to further enhance mutual understanding and promote Chinese culture. Spread peace and friendship.

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At the invitation of the Japanese side, with the approval of the Central Military Commission, on the morning of the 7th, the Taiyuan ship of a destroyer detachment of the Eastern Theater Navy demobilized from a military port in Zhoushan and went to Japan to participate in the international fleet read-and-ship activities organized by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. (Navy News)
