i bet you most of the people in this forum have that mentality
Siege mentality. Whatever axe to grind with M, we can have contrarian views
Siege mentality. Whatever axe to grind with M, we can have contrarian views
Anything in the world can have Economic implications if u are going to throw that much money at it,the question is is it worth the price tag?can a 5 billion dollar 5km long highway justify the economics?only in Singapore where they need the extra land to build more casinos and condos.and to score a spot in the guiness book of records most expensive white elephant.
Of course the hsr will carry some cargo,probably overnight or high pirority mail.....every passenger airline carry cargo too.....but the hsr will not be solely used for pulling freight,human cargo is more expensive than plain old cargo,u earn jackshyt from normal cargo per square ft mile.
How can mahatir possible destroy Singapore more than PAP in the last twenty years?u guys are nuts or there's alot of traitors here.if "destroying" Singapore will bring down PAP I'm all for it.....kambatte mahatir!!!
this statement makes u sound very sour and a traitor who will sell Singapore just to bring down the PAP
anyone who is willing to do that should just fuck off from singapore and dont come back.
it is one thing to hate the PAP and their policy, but it crosses the link when u are willing to sell singapore out if it means PAP is gone.
Talk some sense if u are a true Singaporean, but i highly doubt you are even a singaporean
fuck mahathir and malaysia
Bro Singapore has already been sold out to the highest bidder,true blue Singaporeans have already been sold out to foreigners under the guise economic progress and prosperity,I'm not the one who brought in 48 percent foreigners into this country,to push sinkies out of high economic paying jobs,out of entire economic sectors,out of their homes,schools,to replace them by birthrate,to turn them into a minority in their own country,sell out our culture,identity,roots and have them replaced by Ang moh pubs,prc and north Indian restaurants all for the sake of economic "progress".I'm not the traitor see,I'm merely the martyr trying to save what's left of this country that has already been sold out by the PAP!!!!!!what is the point of a rich and fabulous Singapore if the original inhabitants are extinct?????we built this country for ourselves or for foreigners????
U know why I support mahartir?first because he wrote the book Malay dilemma,it's hard to be introspective and criticize ur own race like that,secondly he is a nationalist and traditionalist,to the point of being a racist....he fights for his own country and his own people,not like that clown lee and najib,who are willing to sell out their own country and people to anyone who writes them a giant check,or a writ of intention to set up a regional headquarters or company,or some lucrative deal less tariffs and taxes,if in return they will prostitute out the country,sell out national assets or interests,pimp out their people,these delusional cognitive dissonance bastards,as long as the economy is "thriving" and they are flushed with cash,they are willing to lie and convince themselves what they are doing is for the best of Singapore and Singaporeans.and think thry are progressive and forward looking "globalists" and intetnatinalists.mahartir is looking out for Malaysia's best interest,so what if some of his policies doesn't jive with Singapore?that's none of his business or his concern.everything has to revolve around singapore or else its conspiracy theory time? since when has Singapore ever showed any care or concern for her neighbours unless it's something we are hoping to gain like the Suzhou industrial project? except for USA whose ass we are desperate to bootlick since the birth of Christ.
I'm beginning to wonder if u are one of those PAP ib bastards or one of those trash working here whose obviously happy with the arrangements.....have u even lived in this country the past 15 years or under a rock?why do u know so much about Malaysia?
Of course the side with thieves slanderers and harassers are of the lower class.It is always the other side who keep comparing, complaining, and condemning this side. This side, while keeping tab on what is happening on the other side, seldom would like do the same. Tell me which side is of a higher class?
Sounds like mao “conspiring with jap to weaken KMT”!Langjeow to you and PAP.
We much rather see PAP fuck off , or get fuck off from Stinkapore turning her back into Singapore.
Than to keep seeing PAP tiew and kann and fuck singaporeans and laugh and laugh all the way to their banks.
You getting crumps and smears of shit from them? that you rather be with them to tiew and kann Singapore into Stinkapore?